My Husband

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  • 27 subscribers

My husband had some gastro problems for 2 wks then Dr suggested hospital test he was diagnosed with terminal cancer in his Liver and both lungs he died in hospital within 6 days!! I’m in shock numb in auto pilot I think we’ve just had his funeral I stood at his grave it all seems so unreal I don’t think it’s truly hit me yet 

  • I am so sorry to read what you have gone through, it must have been really awful happening so quickly you would have had no time to prepare yourself.  In my case there were two years of my husband’s illness and decline but at least we had that time together.  The numbness and shock you describe and the going into autopilot is, I think, a common experience and it will take time for you to get used to your  ‘new normal’.

    This discussion group is a good source of comfort, where you can voice your thoughts freely.  I used to come in here every day in those first few months and still come back now and then even if it is only for reassurance that my doubts and fears are all quite normal.

    Wishing you comfort and happiness in the future.

    Take care
    J x
  • I’m so sorry to hear this. Im not surprised you’re in shock. I too like Emanjay, had almost three years from my hubby’s original diagnosis to him dying so the grieving process starts even before they are gone. You didn’t have time for that. You’ll get people saying “at least he didn’t suffer for long “ etc and you’ll want to scream at them because Ethan really is no consolation. Just take lots of time for yourself and do whatever you need to keep going. 
    We’re all here anytime you need sometime to talk to that understands how hard this is 

    Take care x