When is going back to work right?

  • 2 replies
  • 26 subscribers

I’m lost and utterly devastated, lost my husband 2 weeks ago only 18 days after our magical wedding. He put all his energy into that day then the day after just seemed to go down hill and more or less give up, passing away peacefully at home within 1 hour of being out on end of life meds.

I’m feeling guilty about being off work, yet so much to sort out as my husband did everything on his iPhone - I have no idea his passcode or email password but that’s another story!

when would be right to go back to work? I only work for a small company, they can’t really afford to pay me compassionate leave. I feel guilty leaving them to pick up my work but also don’t feel my head could cope working at the moment- luckily I do work from home. It also feels if I agree to go back, that’s it I’m over losing the love of my life and life goes on, back to normal- whatever that is!

sorry long post 

  • Hi Claireh,

    Your situation is far from easy. We all need our time to grieve and then try to find some balance. Have I managed? Not really.

    It does seem quite early to be thinking about work again but if it's right for you then that's what you have to go with. I was supported by those at my work, right through, went back and then slowly began getting absorbed in it again but not in a good way. My own decision was that I didn't need it and walked away from it. A risk yes, but one I feel happy in doing. You have to do what you feel is right.

    Can you do it as a phased return to see if that works?

    Best wishes,


  • Thank you WGJ, that’s what I’m concerned about that I will just go back but then and leave altogether when really I need it and of course have to work - I’m 15 years off retirement yet! I do love my job too but it is stressful and involves talking to people.

    maybe a phased return would work. Will chat to them later in the week.