Two years on... I made the trip for him.

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How can it be two years?... It seems like yesterday. Yet, it also feels a lifetime ago since I held him, kissed him, hugged him and heard his voice.  

I admit to being scared and anxious... But for him, I recently made the long trip (Alone!)  to Canada, one of his "Happy Places" 

On the anniversary of his passing I was joined by our two Canadian friends and together we remembered my husband Mark as I scattered a very small amount of his ashes in a rural setting of solitude surrounded by natural beauty....

An extremely emotional journey in more ways than one. But I felt some slither of peace knowing that I had fulfilled one of his wishes, which was for me to return to a place that held such happy memories for him of our last ever holiday together in 2019 just a few weeks prior to him getting sick.

Two years on, the grief is just as raw. .. Sometimes  it feels harder to bear now than in the early days. Other people have long since stopped talking about him. As a consequence you find yourself bottling up your feelings and continue to grieve silently.

But I remember... every day, every hour. For him I make the effort to keep going and for him I will be strong and continue to honour his memory.

As time passes we all need to find our own way to manage our pain and grief. It's so hard to keep going... But our love for them and our memories can and will sustain us as we cope with the passage of time..

Mym x

  • Well done to you. That will have been a very emotional journey. Hugs

    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate
  • Thank you, Wildcat 

  • Hello

    Very touching. I feel it for you and it sounds like me too. This silent grief. People don't realize that you are struggling. The mere fact of getting up in the morning, having a shower is still exhausting for me! But I do it and talk to Barry as if he was still here.

    Sorting out some of his clothes now, after 5 months, and I am finding it so hard. Have to go in stages, not do to much. 

    Grief is exhausting and very emotional. I have been in tears for the slightest thing? Al perfectly normal everyone says, but , I don't know what is normal now? Only we go at our own pace now.

    Well done for your trip that is amazing.

    Have as good a day as possible.

    Sunday is Barry day for me, I go to the cemetery, have bought a very pretty cyclamen, and will sit quietly in a very peaceful remembrance garden with him .

    Hugs and best wishes 

    As Voltaire, the French writer said " I am going to be happy because it is good for my health "
  • Thank you for responding Fifinet,

    As you say, we have to try to adapt at the pace that is right for us.

    My husband was just 54 ... We should have had many years ahead of us.

    Unfortunately for me, my life had to change very rapidly and I sold the house and relocated to Wiltshire within a few months of losing my husband. This meant I had to part with most of his belongings and our marital home whilst still in the early days of grieving.

    I don't have a Cemetery to visit,  I keep most of his ashes safe in my room although I had some made into Jewellery so he is with me always.

    I hope today you can find some inner peace as you sit and remember your Barry.

    Mym x 

  • good for you Pooka, like you i moved to a new house, I do still have 1 case of clothes to go through still and need to do soon (i never seem to have time). 

    im planning on scattering Robs ashes (well some of them) in Spain, we had sold our house and were planning on moving there when he got sick. My daughter cousin, a friend and I had wanted to go to Spain and scatter some on the first anniversary in August this year but circumstances dictated we couldn’t go do planning on early next year now. He so wanted to be there and like your husband was 54 and should have had years ahead of him. 

    The rest of Robs ashes I have in a beautiful stone heart at home, unfortunately my daughter doesn’t like to see so when she visits he has to go in the cupboard (I always say sorry!)

    The heart has a smaller magnetic heart on top with a small amount in and I sometimes have with me as it gives me comfort.  

    Take care

  • Thanks chelseabluegirl,

    As you say, things are similar for us. I too have the main pot of ashes plus a small amount that I have easy access to. 

    On the first anniversary I visited a UK naval base, went on a submarine (he was a submariner) then scattered a small amount into the sea... Just me, my memories and peace and quiet, well away from anyone else. 

    The second anniversary has just passed which was the trip to Canada where I scattered a small amount. 

    He loved to travel and would love the idea of being scattered far and wide !

    Mym x