Trying To Fill My Day

  • 6 replies
  • 29 subscribers

I went part-time, for now, which has been good as it gives me some days to do the sort of stuff I/we used to do at the weekend and try to plan for what I want to do within the next few months, that being to move.

It's now the weekend that I'm trying to figure out. I've been out on my bike this morning, have been to another town this afternoon, an hour's drive away, spent a couple of hours wandering about, had a coffee and sandwich, and am now back home. This has become a bit of a pattern, going out just for the sake of it but it's helping me a bit. It's a tad boring though just wandering about without any real intent. Watching couples walk around and in the cafes, etc is still an awful feeling but I/we just have to accept that. I guess all of this though is part of the 'survival' mode I'm in at the moment.

Anyway, I was driving back and then thought perhaps I need to be doing something completely new! Not skydiving or anything as radical as that! I just wondered if anyone else has found themselves thinking this and, indeed, doing it?

Take care everyone,


  • This resonates very well with me, I wander without purpose knowing I need to do something but just don’t know what yet. Also feeling guilty for trying to fill the empty space that was my life. 

  • Mag22,

    That's exactly how I feel. I describe it as surviving, not living. 

    Your description of empty space is very accurate.


  • Hi wdj and mag22 I think it is our world now which is completely different to what we had I retired early to look after Lynne and partly because arthritis made my job as a joiner  difficult to say the least ,to me now Monday is no different to Saturday I get up and wonder what the hell I'm going to do,  it's been just over a year now since my world collapsed and Lynne went to heaven, my mother who's 89 fancied  some roe so I drove an hour to a fishmonger who told me it's out of season but that's all I've got now to try and make my day worth getting up for, me and Lynne loved spain and I can't say it was Lynne's dream to retire to spain but I am seriously considering it now just to not let Lynne down who lived life to the full and who tried everything to stay with me  and she knew I loved that life  I'll just have to convince my mother and sister but I'm not living now just existing and I think what's the point 

  • Sorry forgot to say love and best wishes to everyone hic had a drink

  • I completely get this.  I wake up most mornings wondering what I'll do during the day until I can go to sleep.  I'm 20 months in and I've achieved, and am still achieving, so much, mostly sorting out lots of stuff and starting to get work done in and around the house.  But a lot of days I wander round the house thinking about what to do.  I get there most days, but some I just walk the dog and then watch tv.  Hopefully we'll find purpose at some point.

    Take care.


  • Hi i volunteered at the local covid immunising centre, great nursing staff and volunteer stewards and really lovely people coming through to get their jabs.  Made me feel wanted again and gave me a purpose again.

    I am now working 5 days a week again and sadly can’t do but highly recommend it to anybody who wants a change.  Most if the stewards like me were retired.

    With the 4th jabs being rolled out, lots of opportunities