10 weeks tomorrow

  • 5 replies
  • 28 subscribers


my husband Lee died 10 weeks ago tomorrow. He was only 52.

he was diagnosed with unknown primary in April. He had 2 rounds of chemo which started on 1st June and died on 29 July.

i think about him every minute of the day and miss him so much. 

  • Hello 

    Just read your posting and my heart goes out to you. Too early to die. So sorry.

    You are in good hands here. We all know and we all care. My partner of 37 years died just 4 months ago and I miss him greatly. The pain and sorrow are just part of the deal now. I wake up thinking about him and I go back to bed at night thinking of him. Step by step and take your time. Lots of crying, it's okay. I hope you have some support and family.


    As Voltaire, the French writer said " I am going to be happy because it is good for my health "
  • Thank you for your reply. 
    So sorry for your loss too.

    I do have support but they all have their own lives and I just end up saying I’m fine.

    I think I’m getting comfort in a strange way on here knowing I’m not the only one going through the same hell. X

  • Dear Bluey52,  so sorry to hear of your loss. I’m sure everyone wishes there were some magical words we could send that would make you feel better, but sadly not. True that it is such a young age to go and I’m sure lots of plans for the future are now gone.

    Like everyone it is a very difficult situation, on 17th October it will be 12 months since I lost the love of my life after just 15 months of marriage. We did meet late in life and both in our early 60’s. Still things are challenging without your soulmate, best friend, etc…

    You must just take each day as it comes, and never be afraid to say your struggling, have a good cry regardless of who is there, and take any help you can get. 

    Take care and wishing you strength, everyone on here understands and will support you in anyway we can.

    Best Wishes,

    Paul xx

  • So sorry you are going through this,this site will give you some comfort we know what your feeling x

  • Bluey52,

    Just as everyone else has said, we're all here to help and support each other. It's an incredible forum and site.

    It's five months to the day for me; not that far past the exact hour and minute too.

    Take care,
