Loss of my partner

  • 53 replies
  • 35 subscribers

Hi, I’m new to the group so not really sure what I’m doing but wanted to leave this here.

My partner passed away 4 weeks ago and I am really struggling with it all. I know it hasn’t been long but what I am feeling is so intense I can’t actually pinpoint what feeling is affecting me more.

I feel completely lost, I don’t even know the person I am today and feel like I am living someone else’s life.

I am trying to be as normal as possible for our young kids but it is so hard, I’m drained from being”ok” on the surface and if it wasn’t for them I probably wouldn’t get out of bed.

I just don’t know what to do about it. Do I just ride it out and hope for the best? Is all this a normal process of grieving? I just don’t know.

I can’t concentrate on anything, I’m so forgetful, have such a short fuse so no patience at all and no desire to do anything for myself.

I am just miserable and still can’t quite believe my partner is gone, I feel like I have forgotten to do something all the time like something just isn’t right.

someone please tell me this is completely normal as I feel like I am losing my mind!

  • Oh my word...35! I thought we were robbed at our ages (which we still are of course) I feel angry at our life together being cut so short. The doctor has just prescribed me some gentle sleeping tablets to try get a full night. I can't sleep and when I do, I'm awake early hours and I don't get back to sleep. Today, I've been awake since 3:30am. How am I meant to function on that? We'll get each other through. I'm always here if you need a chat. And hanging on by your fingertips, I get that too xxx

  • I was put on a low dose anti depressant a couple of weeks ago, I don’t feel any different but I do start counselling tomorrow morning so fingers crossed that helps. 

    I just hate feeling so lost, there feels no purpose to anything and I really don’t know if reading other people’s journeys helps or not because the prospect of feeling like this for the foreseeable makes me feel worse.

    I just want my partner back, I want my old life back, I want the old happy me back not just for me but for my kids too.

    Its so hard to try and help my kids grieve whilst I am in the think of grief myself.

    Hopefully the sleeping tablets will help you, let me know if they do because I’m contemplating speaking to my gp about my sleeping issues. Xx

  • Sarah693,

    I get what you mean when you say about reading other people's journeys. For me, I've found this whole process to be very good. I've preferred to read them on here rather than meet with a group, which was offered to me by the hospice. You, as with all of us, have to do what is best for you. That is what matters.

    Take care,
