The Life Work Balance

  • 5 replies
  • 28 subscribers

My work colleagues are very supportive and have been for several months before the final weeks too. It's not a case of being stressed out, or anything else, it's simply a matter of I no longer can be bothered with it.

Circumstances and perspectives on life, and what is important, have certainly changed for ever. Actually, they haven't changed it was just that, like most of us, I/we had to work hard and it was important to give us the opportunities we had. Family and friends are the key - not working all the bloomin hours of the day and often evenings too. Yes it gives structure to the day but so can many other things! 

I feel a bit guilty however that I have the chance to now say "I don't need this" and pursue whatever within some reason. I'm not getting any younger either and just feel do I need this? And no I don't!

Has our situation made anyone else feel like this or indeed be the thing that made the decision to simply 'do it'?

I hope this all makes sense!


  • I definitely felt the same… I took a little time out then reduced my hours. I’m 14 months on and I’m slowly going to increase my hours for some sort of routine. 

    Take the time you need and do not feel guilty at all. Be good to yourself. 

  • Hi, it absolutely makes sense and I felt the same.  I was signed off for three months after Nic died, went back to work for two months and then resigned.  Partly because I could, partly because I realised how much I didn't like my job/couldn't see the point and partly that there is more to life than the 9 to 5 slog.  It was definitely the right thing for me to do.  It has given me time to work through all that happened in the previous two years with Nic's illness, focus on the life that I am now living and work out how I want to live it in the future.   I'm 55 and at the moment can't envisage going back to work at all.  

    Best wishes.


  • Like Felicity I am 55 years old.

    What we all been through makes us look at life differently. I went back part time, as I am self employed felt the need to keep a presents in my work field, but just recently reduced even more. I don't get the same pleasure out of work and not working for the luxuries in life and for OUR retirement.

    To be trueful I am totally exhausted so only working a few hours a day is enough and I still often have a sleep in the afternoon.

    I do find it hard making discions on my own not having Rob there to point out the logic or sensible  option.

    Take care


  • Thank you all for replying.

    There must be something about being in our 50s as I am too at 51.

    I've been wondering about part-time and will discuss that as first option perhaps rather than simply stopping, although I could for a short time. Part-time may offer the opportunities for now and buy me some further time to make any bigger decisions which lie ahead.

    Take care.

  • I haven’t gone back to work yet, it’s 8 weeks since Rob died, but I completely understand how you feel. 
    work seems so unimportant.

    Unfortunately I will have to return for financial reasons so haven’t got the option not to. If I was financially secure I would definitely be taking stock. I am 53.

    I agree with you, I certainly don’t need work to ‘structure my day’. 

    good luck xxx