Loss of my wife

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  • 26 subscribers

Today my step daughter texted me to say that I need to get in touch with gas and electric company and also water company to change details into my name I've never done it before and I'm feeling stressed now I know it should be easy to do but Jean did this all the time 

  • Hello Andrew

    The bereavement teams at these and all other companies are really patient when dealing with transferring ownership of the bills etc. They'll need a copy of the death certificate which they will return or some may even accept an attachment by e-mail

    My husband dealt with all things technical/banking etc, I can do it/most of it myself now, though I'm not that good at computer stuff and probably won't ever be Rolling eyes

    Take a deep breath, have pen and paper, use the reps name and have a glass of water handy for when you dry up!! You CAN do it! 

    Tomorrow is another day
  • I can only agree with what has already been said. But I would add that I found it more manageable to perhaps just do one each day. I had a complete melt down one day when I was repeating the same information for what seemed like the hundredth time one morning when it was probably only the third or fourth time! So pace yourself would be my suggestion.

    Take care


  • I  did the gas and electric  I have to ring water board  to get it sorted ,my step daughter said I should tell the tax man that I have received my wife's  pension from were she had worked for years ,