Loss of my wife

  • 22 replies
  • 29 subscribers

Yesterday I was having a good morning ,after doing the garden I was watching the TV and I don't know what happened I just started to cry for no reason,it vojld have been a program that I was watching my wife Jean used to love it 

  • Hi Andrew

    if finance isn’t a real issue, and you want to go, then IMO, you should go, nothing worse than regretting missed opportunities. Money is important, but life is for living, I say “ Go for it”

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • Hello Andrew, this is something I have found quite difficult to do. It's 7 months since my lovely wife, Lin, passed and I am still finding this a challenge. Like Paul (Tillys Dad), I fear I am losing more of Lin than I already have but I know it is something that has got to be done. My daughter helped me sort through some of Lin's clothes some weeks back and it was only this week that I felt up to taking the items remaining from that sort through. We have to do this when we are comfortable with it and you mustn't feel pressured into doing it. I have decided to keep important clothes - her wedding dress from when we married in 1979, dresses and shoes she wore to our children's weddings, one or two clothes from a concert we went to, etc. But it is such a big decision and I am only half way through sorting her things. It will take as long as necessary for us to be comfortable with doing it and that's as it should be. I have been giving Lin's things to my nearest Cancer Research shop and local hospice shop, as one helped my Lin live for 14 years from diagnosis with their research and the other has been very helpful in the final days of her life plus with bereavement counselling.

    Take care and be strong.
