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I hate it that my wife of thirty years left me, it nearly 4 years on, I have a new kind and understanding partner, but below the surface I hate living, missing, grieving, I just miss that comfort, that support, both our Girls 28 and 34 need what I cannot give them, a mums understanding. Four yers on and I am so furious 

I add to this, miss diagnoses, you have sinusitis,3 months from hospital to hospital, only locum after two years of treatment for sinuses problems got my wife flown away to Stornoway hospital, after a month flown away to Inverness, after a month in Inverness before-diagnosis, transfers five hours by road to Glasgow to be finally told , it’s treatable , the three months later to be told it’s terminated.   I can give them there due, they gave Adele here wish that she could die at home in our bed, three wonderful weeks of being able to hold her hand and go to sleep in our bed.  I will never forgive them, the hope they gave use and the flawed diagnosis. NOTHING SINISTER, she would be alive if not for that first diagnosis. 


  • Dear Leehebs,

    I was very interested to read your post. My position is I am about to start the process of addressing the negligence in my Sharon’s case, she passed 17/10/21. In July 2020 she saw a consultant at local hospital who said the visual  “sore” on her upper abdomen was scar tissue from previous keyhole surgery to remove her gall bladder. Despite Sharon highlighting to him a small growth he ignored her and referred her to pain management, I will never forget Sharon coming out of the consultation I completely heartbroken. We then found a consultant to see her privately, he acknowledged the growth and arranged scan, etc.. by which time the lump had grown. Cut the story short this consultant operated on April 14th 2021, an operation that took 3.5 hours and removed a mass the size of a fist !! Outcome was the mass was cancerous and by the time she met the oncologist it was stage 4. Chemo and radiotherapy was tried, but she continued to suffer and passed as I say on 17/10/21.

    My case of negligence is based on fact the two consultants NEVER sent her for a biopsy on the growth, had they done so I may still have Sharon with me. My aim ideally is to get the two consultants sCryuck off, as a biopsy is considered standard practice for any patient presenting with a growth that continues to grow. I have no interest in financial compensation as no matter how much it will neverCryring me darling Sharon back to me CryBroken heart

    Good luck and best wishes,


  • Hi Paul.   I am so sorry that Sharon had to go through those things ,only for it have such a sad out come.   I started the complaints procedure and spoke to a solictor who was keen to go forwards with case, however my heart was not in it, I talked it over with Adele’s sisters and we came to the conclusion that more years of heart ache was just not in us.  I was Angry and wanted so one to pay.  In the end I just wrote to the original ENT consultant and pointed out what she had missed and what I had lost. For the most part it put my demons to bed, although as you can see it some times wells back up.  

    i wish you every luck in your endeavour, just don’t forget to be kind to yourself in all this. 


  • my husband was not misdiagnosed but i do feel that the health care and advice he was given by supposedly one of the top cancer consultants in Europe was not good enough. Time and again we went for appointments and pointed things out, not directly due to the tumours, and we were sent home without proper advice. This lead to him being admitted for 2 weeks to get him well enough to even consider more chemotherapy - and unfortunately due to these issues, which i feel could have been resolved sooner, he was never well enough to have more chemo - and he died 5 months after the diagnosis. The consultant has left many messages and sent a letter to "offer his condolences". I am not in the slighted bit interested in hearing that from him - what Marc needed was proper and consistent care relating to his whole body not just his cancer - and he did not get that. 

    any way - rant over but i truly feel your pain