Loss of my wife

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Today I cooked my first Sunday roast it was lovely but then after washing up  I sat down and then I just started to cry because she wasn't here to eat it i miss her so much it hurts me:x

  • Hi Andrew.  I'm sorry to hear this.  I've done the same, making some of the meals we had together.  Nic was the cook and took such pleasure from it.  He had a very old recipe book stuffed with other recipes he'd found on line that he wanted to, and did, try out all of which were lovely.  There are some things that I just can't bring myself to eat because they were his signature dishes.  Chìlli, pork chops and paella amongst others.  I've cooked a few roast chicken dinners which I've really liked.  Not the same, but ok.  All the rest, can't do it. 

    This all brings back good memories as Nic very much was the provider.  He baked and also made jam and an amazing spicy mango chutney.  I still have some of the chutney he made 3 years ago which, like a good wine, is getting better with age.

    It's hard, but hopefully we can think fondly of meals enjoyed together.

    Kind thoughts to you.

  • Jean was the cook in the house but when she  got ill,and she was the  cook I had to do it with her telling me  what to cook and how to cook it  I also did my first online shopping  it was a struggle to think of things to get ,she did all of this, we both liked paella, 

  • I get that.  I had to do the cooking during the last month or so and, good or bad, bless him Nic ate it all.  He insisted on cooking our last full on Christmas dinner, despite being very poorly, because he did it every year for his parents and me.  It was lovely. The effort it took was monumental for him.  I'll never forget that. He died five weeks later and it was the last big thing that he did for us that was meaningful for him.  So sad, but I get comfort from it as well.