Loss of my wife

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Last night I went out my wife best friend to see Tom robinson band  I had good time and so did he ,we were talking about Jean and how they new each other since they were very young ,he said he was very proud of me on how I am coping  with it it was very emotional not to be going to a concert with her ,she even said to me to got out and enjoy myself before we new she was going to  die she would have have been proud of me for doing it love her xxxxx

  • HI AndrewB

    hearing that you had a good night out made me smile. I love live gigs. Rock chick at heart at here. My husband who is terminally ill isn't a fan of live music so we have only been to one gig together in the past 20 years...shocking I know. 

    It's usually my son and I who go together but I've been to a fair few on my own too.

    At a live show, especially if you are standing, you are never alone. You're with kindred spirits- music family- and that's to be enjoyed.

    I really hope that you venture out to more shows with friends or even flying solo. Music is wonderful therapy.

    love n hugs

    Wee Me xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I've got tickets to see dara obiren  and also coldplay at Wembley  but I don't want to see coldplay without my wife but I might did the to friends for that I'm going g a friend to see dara obiren, we went to see les mis before she got worse it was the last show to see so it will be hard to go without her being there 

  • I could tease you and say "who would want to see Coldplay?" but that would be cruel. They're not my personal taste but I would love to see a gig at Wembley Arena one day. Go- enjoy it.  Dara O'Brien sounds like fun. I was meant to see him in Glasgow years ago but it clashed with my friend's wife's birthday. 

    Oh I love Les Mis! My other half and I saw it in London a few years ago and my daughter and I saw it in Edinburgh. Awesome show. I'll admit I might struggle to go to a West End show in future without him. He loves musicals...except Cats. He hated it! LOL

    I've tickets for gigs in Glasgow spread throughout the next year or so. I've hesitated booking anything that means I need to travel too far from home. I do have a ticket to see Alter Bridge (look them up if you've never heard of them) in Birmingham in December. Looking forward to that one but with the fear at the back of my mind that I don't know where my world will be by then.

    Wee Me xx

    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

  • I went to Tom robinson band last Friday with my wife's ex brother in law who she knew since they were kids seen him a few time and had a good night had a hangover the best day