My husband is dying

  • 9 replies
  • 29 subscribers

After 12 years of living well with cancer, we only have weeks left together. It feels so sudden, there is never enough time for this moment I guess. In these precious weeks, do you have any advice to share, something you wish you’d known or done at the time?

My husband can’t speak due to aphasia but he is still mobile and can communicate non verbally. We have two girls, 7 and 3, it’s so heartbreaking to see them go through this too. But we’re also finding ways to enjoy some good moments together and those are really special. Thank you. 

  • Good morning 

    I'm so sorry to read your post, I hope you all manage to enjoy some good moments. 

    One thing I did for our children was bought 18th 21st and Wedding cards for them from my husband. It was incredibly emotional for us both when he was struggling to write them but I'm glad we did it.

    My eldest son bought a plaster kit for us to make of our hands. I honestly don't like it but the children like to look at it.

    The staff at the hospice made a  memory box for our youngest son, which included things he liked to do with his dad and words and phrases his dad would have said. Since then we have added things like his favourite tee shirt of his dad's.

    I wish you strength for the days weeks and months ahead. I hope you have family and friends supporting you.

    • Ruby diamond x
  • Thanks so much Ruby. The cards are a lovely idea, those milestones seem far away right now but will be so important, and the memory box, something practical will help us all I think. Wishing you a good day ahead x

  • Hi,

    I lost my husband to pancreatic cancer last year, he died 70 days after diagnosis. We have two beautiful daughters (age 12 and 13), he wrote them each an everyday letter- leaving them little gems of advice on how deal with the world.

    He also brought them elegant bracelets that are a timeless piece of jewellery that they can wear on special occasions, eg, graduation, birthdays weddings. 

    I also created memory albums for them each, I know it is a bit old school but my daughters truly loved it. It contain pictures of him from a baby to just before he became unwell. His favourite movie, his song, quotes, wrappers of his favourite chocolate etc. 

    This is going to be a very difficult journey and I will be praying you have the strength to get through this. 

    Even though he cannot communicate verbally, keep talking to your husband and reassuring him of your love. My husband told me before he died that he could feel death coming and he was scared. The only thing that helped him was the fact I was there. 

    Please look after yourself too. 


  • we thought we had weeks, maybe a couple of months and in the end he died 4 days after moving to a hospice - we didnt get to do anything other than hold each other literally until his last breath. I will be forever grateful for that. I am so sorry for what you are going through. My husband's cancer journey was only 5 months from diagnosis to the end and he was only 53. I hurt so much. Sending you love. xxx

  • Hello

    Such terrible sad news, I am so sorry, All I can say, is share the love you have for each other, as much as possible, even sit and look at each other, being close is so important, sit and hold hands, treasure every special moment.

    I really for you and your daughters, sending you strength and love.

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • I’m sorry you find yourself in this situation. For me I never got chance to ask my husband what he wanted in respect of his funeral or where he wished his ashes to be scattered from diagnosis to death was only 4 weeks. I also wished he had put some information in writing for me including his passcode for his mobile, difficult to get entry to apple devices without it! Very glad to have taken time off work in his final 2 weeks ( not that I knew this at the time) and spent as much time together as possible.

    Take care of yourself sending hugs for your journey ahead xx

  • Thanks for sharing your experience. I love the idea of a piece of timeless jewelry. Sending you my best wishe, take good care.

  • I’m so sorry it happened so fast, you’re right that those practical things are important. Sending you a hug x 

  • Thank you, I do find myself just looking at him, feeling the warmth of his hands, cuddling his weakening body. I spend every evening with him and we watch a film, eat some snacks, look at photos and smile at memories. It’s precious time together. Take good care.