My hubby 10 weeks heartbroken

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My husband had a diagnosis 13/12/22 12 months plus died 12 weeks to the day 7 of them in and out of hospital we had no support or help from the hospital or medical team I feel angry and now reality hits in everyone else has gone back to normal life . I’ve started back to work work phased return. And start bereavement counselling Friday . Weekends are so hard as we spent all out time together I feel like I’ve lost my right arm my soul mate and feel so emotional the pain gets worse and the ache I. My heart will never go I feel like I’m just going through the motions of life cancer is cruel in so many ways 

  • Hi Tracey, my husband died 3 weeks ago and I feel just like you. I am really angry about so many things in the hospital but I know now is not the time to address them. But I will contact PALS and ask for an explaination of events.

    I haven’t worked since Feb when he first collapsed and am dreading returning.

    I hope you have friends and family around to support you, although nothing replaces our soulmates I know.

    sebdung love Heart️ 

  • Hi Tracey. My husband died 8 weeks ago. I’m really struggling too. He did receive the best of care from the medical team so I can’t complain about that, but I don’t feel I’m getting any nearer to feeling’ normal’ in fact, today, all I’ve done is lay on the bed watching tv. I don’t want to do anything except remember him and wish he was still here. We were together for 48 years and it just seems so wrong for him not to be here. I have to go back to work next Monday. Financially it’s vital but after 2 years off caring for him I’m dreading it. Never thought I’d be starting a new job at 64!  I smile when I meet up with friends or family but inside I am broken and it hurts so much. Cancer is cruel.

  • I have good friends and family I called pals but felt it needed further investigation so going through pohwer advices through pals work is the the distraction and I have a really good employer and phased return is working evening and weekends are the hardest

  • I agree. Weekends are awful Disappointed 

  • Hi Tracey,

    I lost my husband to pancreatic cancer, July last year. We received the diagnosis is May 70 days later he was gone. I am 10 months into the journey as a widow and I am sorry I cannot offer any positive words as I am still waiting for it to be easier. 

    Although, I have amazing family and friends, it feels like no one truly gets it. 

    So my hope for you is the same as myself, I hope talking to others who have lost a spouse helps you. 


  • Thank you that’s what I’m hoping for as well it’s hard unless you have faced this you can’t truly understand I hope it does get easier to go forward . But life feels like it’s fell apart 

  • Hi Tracey, my wife and soul-mate for 41 years died 1 month ago tomorrow. I run my own business from home so it is very very lonely. As others have said, weekends are the worse. My nephew asked my last weekend how I was doing, and I said OK apart form the loneliness. I can not say anything about the hospital care as I was with my darling wife 24/7 in the hospital room for the last 6 days of her life. They provided me with a cot-bed and fed me.

    I think I am now at the stage of blaming people, the government, covid, our own doctors, MYSELF. I have just been watching BoJo on PMQ's today re partygate, and I can not help myself but blaming all these people and others that didn't follow the rules and extended lock-down. If we had not been locked down or the effect from COVID last October, my darling wife would have had another MRI scan which they may have been able to seen the spread of cancer. Who knows? But I am at the blame stage. Take care.