Four years on

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  • 27 subscribers

My dearest Paul,

Four years ago today, at 8:15 PM, you died peacefully at St. Luke's Hospital in Dublin. I say "died" instead of "passed away", "passed on", "slipped away" or whatever Euphemisms we may use - I've never liked Euphemisms and my training to become a death doula has even reenforced my opinion that using them is not good, well, not right for me, because they only disguise reality, make it easier to talk about it in some way.

You've been on my mind a lot today - more so than on other anniversaries for some reason - and I want to write these lines here in the help that they may help some of the other widows and widowers on this site.

I still miss you every single day. I wish you were here with me, healthy and strong, that cancer hadn't taken you so cruelly, and that we would still be able to live the life we dreamed of.

Thankfully, I have learned to live with the loss and the pain of your absence. I have learned that missing you and moving forward in my own life is not a contradiction - in fact, I know moving forward is exactly what you would want me to do, and even though I sometimes don't know what I am doing here or where I am headed, I know you would be proud of me for trying.

With all my love, always,

Your Mel.

  • Dear Mel

    thank you for posting this. I am only 2 weeks into my life with grief and the pain is vicious and so so heavy. I simply cannot imagine living without him which will be completely different to the life we had planned.

    I miss him so so so much. Thank you for showing that you are living not just surviving.

    ruth xx

  • Hi Mel,

    I haven't been on for  a long time but came on today and saw your post. I guess I came on because it is Gilles' birthday today. Birthdays and anniversaries of all sorts are important so I understand why you felt the need to write what you did. We tend to take stock and think back on the good and more difficult times. We also feel the need to reach out.

    I also read your post about your father. I hope you and your Mum are coping as best as you can. 

    I do hope you're finding fulfilment in your work and in all that you're doing right now. I'm sure your Paul is proud of you.The futures we had planned together will never be but it would seem that we, somehow, manage to incorporate little bits and bobs of what we wanted into our new circumstnces.

    Lots of love.