Newly widowed

  • 3 replies
  • 28 subscribers

Thank you for allowing me to join. I seem to have made my way through a lot of the cancer type/ carers groups but this is the one I didn’t want to be part of. My husband lost his battle 6 weeks ago. We’d been together for 48 years, married 41. I’m totally lost. I cannot comprehend spending the rest of my life without him. I was his sole carer for the last 18 months and now there is nothing. I’m not one for socialising at the best of times but even though the days are very long, I don’t want to go out. Shopping and dog walking are the only times I leave the house. I feel like I have lost my purpose in life.

  • Hi ,

    I’m really sorry for your loss , 48 years of love is amazing and impossible to replace, I’m sure your husband would not want you to spend to much time at home, maybe try joining support groups or maybe even volunteering when you feel ready.

    take care and all best Tony

  • Hello

    So very sorry to hear of your loss

    Believe me I totally understand your feelings and emotions, my Linda passed 10 months ago, and I still feel exactly as you do. It’s very early for you and your emotions are raw, I married Linda in 1972 for 12 years, then married her again in 2008, She was my everything, my best friend and soulmate. The pain is unbearable at times. Do you have any family support ? or a friendly GP ? Don’t be afraid to ask for help, you need time to grieve, often, on your own, but you will benefit from support also. I went for a 5 minute walk last week, with the intention of a daily walk, but my anxiety gets the better of me, I don’t shop anymore, use home delivery. While that helps in one way, it doesn’t encourage me to go out.

    it’s good you have your dog for company, also it gets you out. Feel free to come on here anytime you feel the need to air your emotions, I know that even if theirs no answers, it does help.

    sending you love and strength

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • I totally understand what you are  saying, my husband Pete has been gone nearly 7 months. Thursday was the first time l have done shopping since he passed, and yesturday was the first meal l have cooked since he passed. I like you feel as if there is no purpose in life. Although l have a loving family , l am just empty.I was married nearly 48 yrs. We had been together since we were 16. Pete was 64 when he passed, and it still was not enough time with him. Yet we still manage to be here. I do really understand when you stay about not comprehending the thought of not being here without him. I have no advice to give because l really do not know how l am still here. But bless you some how we are.

    Thinking of you xxHeart