Update after a long time

  • 1 reply
  • 25 subscribers

Hello everyone,

First of all, I want to apologise for not having been on here at all in a couple of months and for not having followed any threads. Secondly, I hope that you are all doing as well as can be expected under the circumstances and that you are getting all the support you need to get both from here and from other resources such as family and friends and maybe therapy or whatever else gives you comfort during this difficult time.

The reason for my absence: Well, I was in Germany over Christmas and New Year and I think I may have told everyone that I was going to prolong my stay as my dad was declining fast. It turned out I didn't get back to Ireland until 14th February. For the next month, I was working six days a week at my practice Healing Well as well as (finally) as a volunteer at Purple Cancer Support Centre very close to where I live. At the end of March, I went back to Germany for two weeks - first to see my parents, where I realised that my dad was declining rapidly, and then to my friend Katharina. When I came back, I had three weeks in work before going over again for the Easter break. I had planned on going for a week, but it turned out I wouldn't be back until Wednesday of this week. Last Sunday, my dad pulled his catheder (well, you can't pull it out but he pulled enough so that he injured his bladder) and he has been in hospital since then. They are keeping him in hospital even though there is nothing as such wrong with him, he has a new catheder and everything, but my mum and I have decided that he can't come home again and needs to go into a care home. Well, I have been saying this for a long time really but my mum didn't want to accept this. However, she now realises that she can no longer look after my dad on her own, and no carers support in Germany can offer 24/7 care at home. My mum and I were looking at some homes early this week and there are a few where he could get a room. This is so sad, guys. My dad is only 66. He used to be in good health before the Parkinson's and Dementia were diagnosed. I had to come back on Wednesday because I have a lot of work, and I really need the money, I am pretty broke at the moment.

I have also decided to finally create space in my home. I got rid off all of Paul's books and all of Paul's clothes except for one shirt that was his favorite. I hope that by letting Paul's things go I am creating more space in myself and my world so that new things can come in.

I am sending you all lots of love


  • Dear Mel, you’ve been in my thoughts so much recently. So sorry to hear that you and your mum and dad are having such a rough time. There’s nothing I can say other than to remember the advice and supportive words you always offer to others and apply them to yourself. I don’t think we always do enough of that. Take care, be kind to yourself. Sending love, hugs and strength to you

