Lost partner after a very short unexpected illness.

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  • 33 subscribers

Hi, I lost my lovely partner on Monday. He was only 32 and had been fit and active up until a couple of weeks ago. When he did take ill we assumed it was just a stomach bug but within three days his stomach had swollen. He went into hospital and a few days later we were told he had a GIST a type of stomach cancer that had become infected and swollen. This was obviously very worrying but we were told about treatment plans to shrink and eventually remove the tumour but then the next day he had severe breathing problems and was put on a ventilator and me and his parents were told he was unlikely to recover, a few days later we had to make the decision to let him go. 
i am trying to comfort myself with the fact he didn’t suffer for long and we had a very happy time together although it was only 3 and a half years but I’m struggling so much to imagine my life without him. 

  • I'm so sorry to hear you've lost your partner. He was far too young.

    All you can do just now is take things just a small bit at a time. Take any help offered and look after yourself

    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate
  • Hello Luce, I am so so sorry, life is so flipping cruel.

    All I can say is small steps and don’t expect too much of yourself, go at your own pace and let people help you.  They won’t understand our grief unless they have lost a partner but it helps.

    Love is eternal 


  • So very sad to hear your news

    its really not fair is it, he was far too young, take things ever so slowly, give yourself extra time for everything. Above all be kind to yourself, it’s the most painful of journeys, we are all here to support you, don’t forget your GP is also there to help you.

    take special care of you 

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • Dear Luce, I also sadly became a member of this forum recently as my lovely Tim died very suddenly as a result of a secondary infection to his cancer  that wouldn’t respond. I do understand the thought of years ahead without your partner. Tim was 58 so older than your partner but still young to be making me a widow. The people on here have given me good advice . I find no two days are the same and no hour is the same but just put one foot forward at a time. Am trying to be kind to myself but sometimes grief is overwhelming. It will get to a place that’s at least more bearable but only time can do that so do whatever you need to get by for now and don’t be afraid to reach out. Kim x

  • I am so sorry for your loss, what a shock tht must have been for you allBroken heart. l have no words to say to comfort you but my heart goes out to you.Heart

  • oh i'm so sorry and i feel your pain. 32 is way way too young to be taken. I am only three weeks into my journey having lost my husband and i think 53 is too young aswell. Be kind to yourself and always remember the love you HAVE. That will never go away i hope. big hugs xxxx

  • Oh Hermes, your story resonates so much. I am only 12 days since I last held my husband after a short illness. I am now a 53 year old widow and feel completely lost.

    sending you and your family so much love. This is just bloody awful.

  • Oh Luce, I am really sorry to hear of your loss. Life is so cruel sometimes, he was so young, far to young to be leaving you. My thoughts are with you. I lost my wife 6 months ago and it still hurts so deeply but I am making plans for the future, but it seems wrong somehow without my Lin to support me and plan with me. Do stay strong and take whatever help you can get, whether from family or support groups or services.
