Unexplainable events

  • 20 replies
  • 28 subscribers

I find it very difficult believing in an after life, especially as I am not very religious, I so want to believe, but just can’t manage it.

My eldest Daughter woke up around 10pm the night before last, feeling very cold, she took the Duvet; that Linda used to use when she stayed, from a drawer. As she opened it up, lots of glitter fell from it, all over the bed and floor. She couldn’t understand why any glitter should be there. Her Husband woke up and said you’ll have a lot of cleaning up to do in the morning, also their daughter woke and was shocked at all the glitter, which by now had been walked on and was in the hallway also.

When she woke in the morning, her husband said when did you clean up the glitter ?, thinking she had got up early and cleaned it all, but she hadn’t.

there wasn’t a trace of the glitter anywhere, not even one single piece, all three of them were shocked and couldn’t explain it.

Linda and her sisters used to always put a small amount of glitter in greetings cards, for good luck, it became a tradition. So there is a connection with the glitter.

On the same day, I found Linda’s incense burner on its side, in the kitchen, this couldn’t happen by itself, if I had knocked it cleaning the worktop, it would just have slid across, even if it had ended up on its side I would have noticed and put it back.

just don’t know what to believe, both events are unexplainable.

has anyone else had similar occurrences ?

best wishes

  • Thank you Andy! 

    I would willing do your ironing! 

    The Samaritan thing amused me, I am not sure what I put that was negative as such! Lol 

    Have a good day x

  • lol, i think it was the not helpful to your m****l health comment!! As I went to send I also got the Samaritans message so *the word.

    I firmly believe Rob is with me sometimes.  My daughter just laughs at me but there have been so many things that could not be just coincidences.

    I just wish that I got more so I would know he was with me every day.

    Take care all of you and hope those signs give comfort.


    Love is eternal 

  • It is a bit extreme isn't it sometimes! Lol 

    I am sure Rob is with you, I believe and I think it is comforting. I will imagine that Simon and nan are with me tomorrow and are protecting me and our children.

    Perhaps just knowing in our heart of hearts is enough and we don to need signs.

    Take care.

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • Good luck tomorrow.  

    Sending a hug.


  • Good luck tomorrow Thumbsup

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • Thank you for your good luck messages.

    A little nervous this morning but I am sure I will be ok. 

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • Hope all goes well Alison x

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Thank you all. I have had the operation and walking well. Going home today..I have been disappointed with the nursing care in the Nuffield I work but as I need my job it doesn't give opportunity to say anything. 

    Pain control is poor. No one has helped with hygiene needs. Even I can't reach my feet with a bad hip. I am really hungry, they think everyone has nausea so only allowed light snacks like omelette! .. one visitor only for one hour on day 1. I need to get home, sort out my pain and wash properly. Thank goodness my daughter will help with that and my son will cook a proper meal. This is 5 am and I am stuck on the bed with stockings on that I can't get off to go and wash! 

    Whatever has happened to the good old fashioned nurse! I trained in the 80's. I would never care for patients like I witness today. Ric's care was poor, no hygiene needs met! I am all for self care but! You have to ring the bell to get attention and ask I don't like to do that as I feel a good nurse should ask if you need help or pain killers. Sad times! 

    Home at 10.30 and I will be on the road to recovery! Had the best anaesthetic and surgeon though. Both been brilliant as well as physio. 

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • So glad that at least the surgical team sound up to scratch and that you can get up and about.  Maybe you are like me, I would never let an electrician or decorator into my house as they don't do it to as good a standard as I would?

    My sister is a Sister (Nurse Manager?) and has had trouble with neck pain and pins and needles in her hands.  She has just paid to have breast reduction (went well) rather than wait for the NHS - she has made similar comments about how the nursing was not up to her standards.  Good news is the neck pain and hands are back to normal, bad news is she now has Covid but like I true brother rather than ask if she needed help or was fine I just said  OK I won't visit then. Engineers - so sensitive.

  • Hi Andy

    I expect you are right, nurses like myself and your sister are few and far between now. We have high expectations and standards. I am sorry your sister has covid and hope she feels better soon. I had it had Christmas so my risks for that were lower. 

    My dad was an electrician and engineer and he would not allow any one else to do shoddy workmanship in our homes! I remember him rewiring my house and using his favourite phrase! Goodness knows who did this, like a bloody snakes wedding!

    I came home yesterday, have been fed properly, had a proper shower and taken regular proper pain control which I had organised before I went in with my GP thankfully. So feeling much better today.

    I intend to have a short walk down the road later when I have someone to escort me! 

    Take care 

    Alison xxx