Unexplainable events

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  • 28 subscribers

I find it very difficult believing in an after life, especially as I am not very religious, I so want to believe, but just can’t manage it.

My eldest Daughter woke up around 10pm the night before last, feeling very cold, she took the Duvet; that Linda used to use when she stayed, from a drawer. As she opened it up, lots of glitter fell from it, all over the bed and floor. She couldn’t understand why any glitter should be there. Her Husband woke up and said you’ll have a lot of cleaning up to do in the morning, also their daughter woke and was shocked at all the glitter, which by now had been walked on and was in the hallway also.

When she woke in the morning, her husband said when did you clean up the glitter ?, thinking she had got up early and cleaned it all, but she hadn’t.

there wasn’t a trace of the glitter anywhere, not even one single piece, all three of them were shocked and couldn’t explain it.

Linda and her sisters used to always put a small amount of glitter in greetings cards, for good luck, it became a tradition. So there is a connection with the glitter.

On the same day, I found Linda’s incense burner on its side, in the kitchen, this couldn’t happen by itself, if I had knocked it cleaning the worktop, it would just have slid across, even if it had ended up on its side I would have noticed and put it back.

just don’t know what to believe, both events are unexplainable.

has anyone else had similar occurrences ?

best wishes

  • Not quite the same for me but I’ve had things that I couldn’t find in certain places, only to find them there hours or even days later- a spare key, a specific screwdriver and even jigsaw pieces!! There’s been several more over the last 16 months and I always say to my sons that their dad has been hiding things again- he knew how I hated to misplace things, so he’s doing it to let me know he’s around. 
    And if I sound completely mad, then hands up, I am!! 



  • It’s comforting, being given signs that our partners are still around. I do so hope it’s true.
    last year I was looking for a special wool brush, I knew I had put it somewhere safe, but couldn’t find it anywhere. I went through every drawer and cupboard in the house, Three times, I was completely at a loss where it could be, I asked Linda if she could ask for help in finding it, she believes in such things. Later that day, I said “I’ll have just one last look” and opened a drawer in a cabinet, no idea why I picked that drawer out of the whole house, but There it was, sitting on the top.

    So I couldn’t have missed it, just couldn’t explain it.

    take care

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • Lots of things happen to me, it’s as though Rob is teasing me.  TV that turns itself on and off, When we had the power cuts the other week, my turned off torch came on in the middle of the night,  fan heater turned itself on late at night and when I went to turn it off it turned itself off, loaf of bread which was behind a packet crumpets was on the kitchen floor completely the right way up (my friend who I was on the phone to heard the noise and when I plucked up courage to go in the kitchen I saw the loaf of bread, lots of feathers. Even my mum is on the act, for 3 weeks since her birthday i kept smelling her in my bedroom, one minute I could smell her and the next nothing, then next time I went in there the smell was back again.

    Lots more things have happened, that’s just a few! 

    I’m not scared, I find it comforting.

    Ive just exchanged contracts on my new house so living in next month or so, I wonder if Rob and mum are coming to………….

  • I hope so Thumbsup

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • I am lucky in that I know that we have a spirit, as certain as I draw breath, and hope that we will be together again in time. Not religious as such, but I suppose some have the same certain knowledge that their God exists, if it brings them comfort, then I am happy for them.   When we were courting I had three motorbikes, so Gill bought me a silver St.Christopher and had it engraved to keep me safe - I wore it all the time, and my disastrous record of bike accidents stopped.  Now I put it down to Gills calming influence rather than St.Christopher's intervention - but either way it worked.  The bikes soon went to pay for more important things like prams and furniture.

    Four months after Gill passed I decided it was time for another motorbike - 40 years after selling my last one!  I paid the deposit and a week later was to pick up the bike, the evening before picking up the bike I was looking for something (nail clippers?) and came across the St.Christopher, first time in 40 years, very blackened with age.  It's clean now and with me every time I ride.  I had already been through Gills jewelry boxes and divid up everything to her Mum and two sisters, didn't see it then, no idea why it turned up when it did, but it gives me comfort.

  • Obviously Gill is still watching over you.

    keep safe Sunglasses

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • I had a couple of things happen when my first husband passed, smelt his tobacco! Bloody cigarettes or roll ups drove me nuts! A few white feathers but not as much as I wanted. 

    A couple of things when Ric passed but stopped ages ago. Good I hope he found peace that he never gave me. 

    When I went for my first hip replacement, my nan who was very special to me and had passed just a week before,vsent me a sign. I had visited her in hospital when she was dying. She promised to look after me and my children and told me not to worry. We were both very needle phobic and our birthdays were a day apart. Our outlook on life is the same 

    I had got my children's lunch boxes ready for school. Put them in the middle of the dining table and one of them shot off the table onto the floor with a huge bang! I remember saying Thanks Nan, I know you are there. Went to hospital, really calm after that! My feet were cold too. Nan had an embolius in her leg which stopped blood flow.

    I am going for my second hip replacement tomorrow, really nervous, despite being a nurse and working there! I was escorted by my first husband the first time who held my hand. Because of bloody covid, noone is allowed in with me. Sounds stupid but I need that more than anything. I am so hoping that Nan or Simon sends me a sign tomorrow because then I will be ok.. it will give me strength. I probably sound slightly mad. Steve my bf is taking me to the door as is allowed but bloody silly rules! On top I have to isolate, not helpful to my mental health! I have saved my ironing today as I find it therapeutic! To keep me sane! Lol.

    I wish we could make our lived ones visit us because it does provide comfort.

    So as long as you get these signs, enjoy them.

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • Ha ha, the community team have sent me the message regarding Samaritans! Not sure which word makes me sound desperate!!! Xx

  • If you need something to keep your mind occupied I have a pile of ironing that could do with some help - it takes me around 25 minutes to do a shirt and over 40 minutes to put several creases in trousers. Funny how non-iron rugby shirts and Jeans have suddenly become fashionable, even for work.

    Welcome to the Samaritans club, got the message a few weeks ago - not taken them up on their kind offer.

    Good luck with the hip op,