Feeling alone

  • 12 replies
  • 26 subscribers

Not sure why I am feeling so alone.

It is two years since Ric died, almost 9 since Simon died. 

I had a hip replacement 13 years ago and Simon was with me and looked after me. Now I need the other one done. That is fine, fortunately I can have it done privately as I work for the Nuffield and luckily I don't have to wait long. The date I have been given is March 1st ( Ric's birthday and my brother's). I suddenly feel so alone. Full of what ifs etc. I know I will be well looked after and I am fit and determined. But having no husband and having to put my 22 yr old son as next of kin has made me realise just this! 

Yes I have a boyfriend ( for want of a better word), yes he is good but his son is adding pressures at the moment! He was a very nasty when we caught covid and was awful about my daughter who unfortunately caught it first! It has really upset me and I am having difficulty discussing this with Steve. I don't want to appear critical of his son but he really is a spoilt little brat! They are now not living together and I had hoped he would back off but it doesn't seem so. Steve also broke a relationship with a lady because she had a lot of health problems and he was slipping in to be a carer. He says he is happy to help but I am scared of letting him and becoming a. burden.

My dad has offered a lot of help, including financial as I will only get 4 weeks pay. I have a few savings and need it doing so that will work out. My son has also offered this! Dad has said I can stay at his but I would be happier at home with my children. My children have been better recently at helping me as bending is a nightmare. I know they will do their best 

I am scared of going to hospital alone! I am needle phobic, I have mainly conquered this now but last time I was allowed Simon with me. No visitors now! I work there so have to pretend I am ok. 

I have a friend or two who will help too. But despite this I feel scared and alone. How do I get this out of my head?

Thank you for listening

Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • Hi Akela

    i think it’s only natural to feel alone at a time like this, when you are facing an operation and the recovery afterwards. Not an easy thing to do when living alone.

    To be honest, you don’t need all of this added pressure from your partners son and maybe your partner isn’t ready to take on a carers role just yet, but he will be there for you. Don’t feel you are a burden to him, you would no doubt care for him if roles were reversed.

    Take all the help and support you can get, it won’t be forever. Your family love you and want to take care of you.

    Not sure any of this helps, but do take care and good luck.


    Lynne xx

  • Hi Alison,

    It's very normal to feel alone, especially in stressful circumstances. I remember feeling very weird the first time I put my eldest daughter as emergency contact for whatever form, but that's the reality of it!

    It's been tricky for a while with your boyfriend's son, I hope that it can be solved soon (they're not living together, that's an improvement). I agree with Lynne and I know it's easier said than done, but your boyfriend is here for you. It's part of the assignment! Grin it's not always straightforward and it doesn't mean that you shouldn't feel lonely, but you could probably reach out to him to be there for you?

    And even with your Dad helping, your own children, a few friends, it's still very ok to feel lonely. We can just acknowledge the feeling and try to understand where it comes from to see what could counterbalance it.

    When I'm lonely I tend to come here more often!

    Keep us in the loop, I'm sure we can help each other with the loneliness.

    Hugs xx


  • Thank you both.

    I have had a chat to Steve. Not really about his son as such but he has picked up on how he has made me feel recently. He has arranged to see him on our days off from each other, which we do, partly due to work commitments and partly because of the need for space.

    I have explained my fears and he assures me it is temporary and I am not a burden. I often grit my teeth and get on with things, this is me. I am doing my best to be ultra organised beforehand. I guess I like to be in control!!! 

    I have plenty of help, my children are helping more now and both can cook. My friend, who is a work colleague too, will be around and I know she will make sure I am well cared for and not scared! 

    Dad will help too. He is always there. He has even set aside a few pounds because I will only be paid 4 weeks and not the 6 I need off! My son has also offered to help financially! I won't rush back and ruin it. 

    Thanks for getting it though, it helps a lot.

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • Hi Alison,

    It sounds like it's getting better and that you're less stressed about the whole thing.

    That's great!

    Take care xx


  • I am Antoine but thank you. Be climbing the walls the night before mind you x

  • You're not Antoine, I am. Thinking

    When is it? I'll send you good vibes. x

  • LMAO @Devin Rofl- aren't you 'Steve?' 

    Hope all goes well Alison x

    Tomorrow is another day
  • Hi Akela,

    So pleased you have had a chat to Steve and you feel more positive about your op and recovery. 

    I hope all goes well and you can rest properly afterwards.

    Good luck with everything.


    Lynne xx

  • March the first!!! 

    Bad punctuation, Antoine!!! That did make me laugh x