Tough time

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  • 34 subscribers

This Christmas was the first without my husband, he died in March. I thought that Christmas would be hard, and it was, but today (New Years day )I am bereft and find myself sobbing and broken hearted as I feel that I have left him behind in the old year, and that somehow I have had to say goodbye again to my soul mate. It really hurts and leaves me feeling empty and low. Does anyone else feel this way, I am very mixed up.

  • Hi yes, I got through Christmas and yesterday surprisingly well and yet today I thought how empty I feel, a new year without my love.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Bike girl, I feel exactly the same. I've cried all day. 

    Lisa x 

  • Yes definitely feel the same….I lost my husband in October 2020. Thought this might be less so this time round but it wasn’t. 
    Sending hugs


  • Oh ladies you’re just saying what I feel. My Gordon died in February and it hit me yesterday that I won’t say “My husband died earlier this year” - now it’s that he died last year. People say the firsts are worse but how many firsts are there? I’m sending my good wishes to you all. Xx

  • Hi, yes feeling the same.  Nic died in February and, like you say, it seems like I've left him behind.  Christmas was awful but today I feel very low and alone.

  • Hi everyone, I did feel like that until I read the post from Ellie. Her words made me feel I should try to visit our favourite spot, I’ve been dreading it.
    Last year, on New Year’s Day we had been there together, today I was alone. I’m glad I went, yes, I cried but he would have been proud of me, I was proud of me, I actually felt close to him, first time since he passed 11 weeks ago. 

    Tonight, I sit here and I feel just as lonely, isolated and empty but I put one foot in front of the other today. I can do it again. 

    Big hugs to you all…….Linda xxxxx

  • Hi, yes today has been hard. I feel numb of all emotion, don't want to speak to anybody, don't want to leave the house. Christmas was doable for the grandchildren but New Year has been a massive reminder of everything we will miss until the day I die.

    My husband of 40 years died 3 months ago.  I miss him terribly. I am an independent, capable woman and know I will negotiate life's ups and downs but I don't think I will ever feel whole again.  We had a good life, were a team,  had lots of fun, lots of arguments, lots of love. He really was my other half.  My heart goes out to all who are dealing with this unimaginable pain. Xxx

  • Like yourself this is my first festive period without my husband who passed last April after a 7 week diagnosis - although it's nearly 9 months I feel I'm worse than at the beginning - I travelled down to Yorkshire from Scotland to spend the festive period with my son and young family - I travelled by train as I don't drive and I felt so alone without my husband and I felt so sad as we used to drive a few times a year to visit - I have hated December especially when Xmas songs were being played on the radio etc - we were married 54 years so it's so hard as I feel part of me went as well - it was his birthday on 28th so everything seemed to be at the one time - I'm not to sure how I feel about going home to an empty house but I feel I've left him there - popping in and out of this site helps greatly as many are suffering and I don't feel alone with sad thoughts - take care.

  • Yes, I feel the same. Lost my love and soul mate in September after 32 happy years, 8 months ill. Christmas was up and down, spent it with my sister, but god, new year is unbearable. He's only been gone 3 months and suddenly it's last year. Already been feeling guilty about being a Christmas sad sack and being a soggy burden on friends and family, and now can't stop crying again. I just want this pain to stop, it's like I can't breathe and I'm just so tired and scared of the future. Sending hugs and hankies to everyone who has lost their one and only. Xxx

  • Hello Bike Girl

    Christmas has been really hard, must be one of the toughest times of the year, been crying lots, has definitely not been a happy Christmas. The only positive time was spending Christmas day with my eldest Son, and his two grown up children. He did an awesome dinner, stayed there much longer than I thought I would 1pm to 1030pm, was so amazing having people to talk to. Of course once back home it was the total silence of an empty house. So yes we all feel the way you do. I still can’t find anything positive in my life, apart from my family, i feel totally empty &  hollow, like there’s a terrible void inside of me, it’s this emptiness and loneliness and total lack of enthusiasm and motivation that feels me with dread. I know this all sounds really negative and I want so much to feel more capable, hopefully eventually I will

    keep safe and well, we are all here for you x

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories