My Wish For You AllI

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This is a difficult  road we are all on, some do better than others.

Lost my hubby 2019 just before Christmas, i already have Lung Cancer, and this Year  My Daughter got Diagnosed with Breast Cancer and a Mastectomy.

So it has been real hard at times, but i have got this far, do not know how, but there you go.

Never ever thought at the start  of this journey i could or would survive, do not get me wrong, i have had a terrible Christmas, but come threw it, tonight as many its another test, and i will shed tears like i have done a few times this year.

You are all stronger than what you think,i now can recall good memories and smile to my self, i play our songs now out loud, and try to sing and l  always say Tom you remember   what we got up to,

Life will never be the same, its now a different life, i do not like it, but i still put one foot in front of the other.

I wish you all a smooth journey on this road of life, there will be twists and turns and bumps along the way, but after time the road starts to straiten a bit until and bump appers.

Happy  New Year to each and every one of you.

Take Care Ellie xx

  • Bless you Ellie Thank you so much for your lovely words. Lost my partner Christmas eve 2019.Managed remarkably well initially. Now crashing and burning.

    I wish you  health peace and rejuvenation, you are a warrior.

    Much love x

    Love is eternal
  • Hello Ellie

    Our new reality really is the worst. My family tell me how well I am doing, I think it’s more words of encouragement than anything else. My Son had a bit of a meltdown a couple of weeks ago, it suddenly hit him hard, now he’s on AD, and getting back to his old self. I am not really religious, but Linda was, she went on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land in 2016, a very moving religious experience for her. I so wish now I had gone, Linda told me that I wouldn’t enjoy it as it wasn’t sight seeing it was a pilgrimage, so as it was very expensive I agreed, now so wish I had shared this with her, but mustn’t have regrets. Her health wasn’t so good even then, but she soldiered through, so very proud of her. I often accompanied her to Church services, particularly Christmas time, the services were so uplifting emotionally. I so want to believe, but can’t find it in me, for now it’s enough for me that Linda believed, I trust her judgment 100%

    keep safe and well

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • Ohh Ellie,  what an emotional post,  my heart goes out to you. 
    I have just got through first Birthday, first Christmas and now new year….. I also don’t know how I’ve gotten to week 22, but here we are.      I wish everyone a peaceful  new year 

    Jon. xx

  • Hi Ellie,

    Thank you for your message. I completely agree with you in thinking that we are all stronger than we think and that we'll get there, through different ways and at different times, but slowly we will all reach acceptance for the loss that affected us so hard.

    I'm hopeful for 2022. 2020 was the worst year of my life because I lost my wife Juliette in August. I thought that 2021 would be worse because she wasn't even there to start the year with me. but 2021 has proven to be a better year in the head, lots of highs and lows. I've found love again unexpectedly then lost that, got much closer with new friends and older friends in a different way. I feel like the journey we're on makes us better beings, much more aware of what we can loose and what's important in our lives. I'm still learning on a daily basis but I feel like I have found a new balance on my own again (we got together at university, I've almost no experience of living on my own) and it feels great. Juliette will always be there and even when I think I'm fine, I know that the tears are never far, but there is light somehow on the way.

    I wish all of you, members of the Fellowship of the Grief, a better year than last year, with lots of love and peace. xx

  • Thank you Ellie, today after I reading your post and learning of how much you and your daughter  have been through and are still going through, I decided to go to one of our favourite spots.

     It is the first time, since Mart passed 11 weeks ago, that I have driven on my own to Teignmouth. A small thing to most but to me, well, I’ve been dreading it, didn’t know what I’d be like. But I walked along the seafront, bought a takeaway cappuccino from our normal place, then sat on the wall where we usually sat and watched the swimmers and surfers. It was good, I shed a tear but I felt closer to him there than anywhere else, he loved a coffee and a paper after a long walk. 

    So thank you, I don’t know how long I would have put it off without your inspiring words.

    I wish you and your daughter only good things.

    Big hugs ……Linda x

  • Well done Linda, a big achievement, be proud of yourself 

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories