Realising they're not there

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  • 33 subscribers

My wife died in November after a long illness. I'm atheist but have comforted myself with imagined signs of her presence & watching over me. I guess it's been a coping thing to keep her independent presence alive. 

I'm now at the stage though where I realise that she's just not here in any form other than my love and memories. And that's the hardest bit. Not the being on my own, not the coping with day to day, just her absence, day after day. 

I'm doing self care, being with people, having a cry when it overwhelms me, so I'm being healthy, I hope. It's just so stark.

  • Hello Antoine

    that is so beautiful, bought tears to my eyes. Memories are so vitally important, I like to think I am a much better person, for being married to my wonderful Linda. She is part of me forever. We have our first great grandchild due in January, I know that Linda would would want to do everything in her power to help, which is exactly what I am doing, for the both of us.

    keep safe & well

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • Antoine, that’s the most useful and lovely thing I’ve heard so far (amongst lots of lovely & useful words). That’s precisely where I want to be. 
    We used to make up stories about people from no evidence whatsoever. We constructed whole back stories for strangers in restaurants that built on the details the other had just said. They always ended up tragic, sad or sordid stories. Lesley had a wicked sense of humour. 

  • Hello Keith

    I lost my husband in October 2020. Our first grandchild was born in May 2021, a beautiful granddaughter. They live in the USA so I wasn’t able to meet her properly until she was almost six months old. Like you, I’m trying to help and support as much as I can from a distance. Chris would have loved her so much and been so proud of the father our younger son is proving to be. The three of them have been here for Christmas, our second without Chris. It was emotional but it was good for us all (our other son lives locally) to have a chance to build new memories alongside the ones we treasure. 
    So enjoy your new grandchild. It will be bittersweet at times but be sure your much loved and missed Linda will be living on in them.

    Sending hugs



  • Hello Jane 

    that was so lovely to hear, family is so so important, never fully realised until after my wife had passed, I believe all my attentions were towards her and her comfort. My eldest Daughter used to come round every few weeks to do some housework, primarily to help me while I was caring for Linda, but I also gave her some money as she was struggling financially, so it suited everyone. I do still do the housework, but only the essential stuff, I’m not lazy, not sure what it is, but mostly can’t see the point. But she just asked if I want her to help with the housework again, maybe once a month, be so handy to get some of the jobs done that I have just ignored, she will come with her Daughter and my Great grandchild. So I’ll have time with them, which will be amazing, also my Daughter is going to make me dinner for that day, brings it with her prepared, and do lunch. I will pay her as before, will go towards helping with the new baby. So everyone gains, sounds perfect, will certainly give me something to look forward to once a month, can make it every 3 weeks if it works out well.

    Have just made a long list for her, to work through. So sometimes good things do happen, just have to be patient I guess, plus my eldest Son has just invited me over for a roast dinner.

    keep safe and well

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • Hi Socks,

    This inspiring video may give you food for thought my friend

    At the end of all our journeying will be to find ourselves back where we started knowing the place for the first time. TS ELIOT.

  • Hello

    i watched the video, thanks for sharing. There is so much that cannot be explained, I do believe there is more to the world than what we see.

    keep safe and well

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories