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Hi All 

We have all got through this day! All with different difficulties. I looked at FB memories and saw Ric just a couple of days before he died. I hadn't realised how Ill he looked and was really.

We had a covid Christmas, Hannah opened her presents masked and socially distanced. Dinner opposite end of the room but mainly in her room! Teenagers donthat anyway. 

Boyfriend with his kids but they fell out! Lol. My friend has just messaged. She is coming round now as fed up with the divorced humdrum! That will be nice. 

I hope you all had some enjoyment in this long old day. 

I also miss my first husband who died a few years ago now but always feel my children miss out. 

My mum did her drama but settled on my brother's! 

Love to you all and remember no matter how hard, we all did it xxx

  • It sounds like you had a very eventful day! We were invited at friends and had a nice time. It's not exactly what I have in mind when I think about Christmas, but I realise more and more how that idealised image is now an old memory and I shouldn't hold on to it for more than it is. Having a nice meal with friends was good enough.

    I hope that you all feel good today, now that this is over.

    Take care xx


  • Hello
    Can’t think yesterday was easy for any of us, Christmas brings back so many memories of past Happiness. I had my youngest Son with me Christmas morning, as he stayed over, didn’t want to be alone Christmas  morning. He bought me a backgammon set, been toying with the idea of buying a set for some time, hopefully when he comes round later we can have a game or two. Then went to my eldest Sons with his two grown up children, had an awesome Christmas dinner, so impressed. Could hardly move after eating, stayed with them from 1PM to 1030PM, completely helped me get through Christmas Day. When I gor home around 1130pm I watched the recorded saun the sheep Christmas special, something silly and light hearted. Slept really well, woke at 1115am. So far I feel ok today, a very late breakfast. 

    going to try and watch Call the midwife Christmas special, Linda so loved this series, So considering how anxious I was about Christmas, it wasn’t as traumatic as I thought it would be, thanks to family, my eldest daughter visited her step brother and my youngest daughter spent Christmas at Butlins with her husband and kids, she said it was just what she needed. So we all find ways of managing.

    keep safe and well

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • Hi all, I think I made the right decision to go to a restaurant and stay at a hotel with our best friends.  There were no memories of Rob at the places we went to as he had never been there.

    I did have a couple of wobbles throughout the day but kept them in as I didn’t want to upset my friends, although they wouldn’t have minded.

    Facebook memories came up with a photo a few years ago  of our best friends and us celebrating at our old house, it was nice to see but didn’t affect be as much as I thought I would be.

    Was planning on meeting my friend who is over from Singapore today for a goodbye lunch as she and her family are due to return in 2 days time, unfortunately her husband tested positive for Covid yesterday so we thought best not to see her in London.

    Back to reality today as my daughter and I drive home instead to a cold and empty house.  We are having a chilled day catching up on TV and eating our way through chocolates,biscuits and everything that’s bad for you.  And of course a bottle of Baileys!

  • Hi
    Looks like you made some good decisions, not always easy to decide what’s best, most importantly the decision has to be the best for you.

    Unfortunately I have already eaten my dry roasted peanuts, so it’s only the baileys left, so cheers.

    my Daughters phone keeps popping up photos of this day in previous years, fortunately mine doesn’t do this, as that would be hard to manage, coming up randomly as they do.

    keep safe and well, maybe save some chocolates for the new year LOL

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • Well we all did it in our own way and well done to us 

    My son has tested positive to covid today but fingers crossed I stay negative. I have been for a boxing Day picnic with my boyfriend today as we can by the new guidance we being negative so did the outside distancing thing! It was lovely making a new memory. 

    Sounds like we all had an ok time after all. Keith my boyfriend plays backgammon! I don't get it! But he sets up his board every Tuesday to play with a friend, through covid times they have been playing via facetime. Works well for them. 

    Antoine sounds like you cracked it too.

    Chelseagirlblue you can't beat Bailey's on ice, my tipple last night with some Bailey's Yule log!!! Yummy 

    Take care 

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • Hi

    My Son suggested baileys on ice, never had it that way before, I got the Viking board game’ for Christmas, quite a challenge, but easy to learn, like droughts with strategy, maybe you could get a set, around £25 on amazon. And play together, backgammon is good also, looks far more complicated than it is, give it a go

    best wishes 

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • Hi everyone,

    I too was satisfied with my choice to spend the day at home with our little yorkie and my darling Sharon’s urn. When I took Tilly the dog for a long walk I also had a long chat with Sharon. Boxing Day I went to my brothers for the evening which was pleasant, but I did have a”moment” at one point, thinking my darling Sharon should be with me. Today I went to visit my best mate for a couple of hours, again it kept my mind busy for a while. 
    However I’m now back home trying to watch some TV but I suddenly feel completely overwhelmed with grief and sadness. All I am able to think is that I have just experienced my first of many Christmas days without the person who was my reason for living. I don’t ever see myself finding love again because I know no one can ever take the place of my one and only true love, Sharon showed me more love in 6 years, than I ever got in 32 years of marriage ! I just feel completely broken, despite the support of others, nothing comes the slightest bit close to filling the huge void that is now my life as far as I can see.

    Im sorry my post is so downbeat, but I felt a huge need to scream about how I truly feel, I just cannot bear to think of a life without the lady who was my life. Now I am full of fear and anxiety over the next few days and NYE especially.

    take care

    Paul x

  • Hi Paul

    So much of what you say is exactly how I feel.  It was impossible to imagine how terrible the dark void we find ourselves in, would be. I knew deep down that one day I would lose my Linda, my soulmate and very best friend, but nothing prepared me for this. I get days when I can’t bear watching TV, or doing anything really. A few days ago, I became so anxious watching TV I gave up and listened to my meditative music in the dark, just made me cry. Eventually I just went to bed and slept for a while, felt a little more relaxed after.

    It’s now 1045pm will try and watch some ‘easy going’ TV then to bed. Fortunately I sleep really well, just know that in 12 hours I will have to face yet another day, without my Linda. I guess this is my Life now, maybe will be able to join our local ‘club’ , but it all feels so false, forcing myself to meet people, when all I want to do is curl up in bed.

    take care of yourself 

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • Alison,

    Yes I agree I survived! I had no particular traditions with respect to Xmas and Craig & I but decided to do exactly what I wanted this year and I put a lovely picnic together with a good friend and we headed for the hills from my front door, we walked & talked for over 4 hours, even when we sat eating our picnic on a bench by the canal the homeowner ove4 the water wished us a Merry Christmas & offered mulled wine! 
    I enjoyed my day but found Xmas Eve worse I think it was more to do with the expectation of the day ahead.

    Just NY to get through now, keep battling on everyone small steps.

    Tracey xx

  • Hi Tracey

    your Picnic idea sounds perfect, and more importantly it worked for you. I agree I was worse Christmas Eve, because of expectations of what the Day would be like, I think we all imagine some things are going to be worse than they actually are. I just wish I could say “ Next year will be better”, because I honestly can’t see how it can be, for me anyway.

    keep safe and well

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories