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Well I just got my head around my revised Christmas plans. Made a good effort on the wrapping. Everything bought!  Lovely real Christmas tree up, a new tradition for my children and me! 

Now it seems that my daughter might have covid. Three faint positive lateral flows. Managed to book pCR for 8.30! 

I really don't want to be isolated at this time of year. I have tried not to appear fed up but now she is in bed. I am in tears! I only keep going with company and busy life! Missed Christmas with my dad last year because of lockdown and here we go again! My boyfriend moves house early January, his son is moving on too . So finally we can have some quality time together. If I catch covid with asthma, I will be potentially unwell too as well. I am terrified of ever facing hospital where Ric died. 

On a positive note, I saw my consultant today regarding my hip which needs replacing and I can have it done in the new year. A perk of working at The Nuffield. The pain is miserable now and it is very restrictive. 

Just feeling low which I always do at this time. It would have been our anniversary on 23rd and he died the 28th. I try to think only dates but I do not need time alone to dwell! 

Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • Oh, Alison! This Covid situation is really testing us. It's one thing to live with al the restrictions but having to isolate when we most need to be with people is real crap. The most important thing, though, is that you keep safe. You definitely cannot afford to catch it. Hope your results come back negative.

    Grr. Surgery. I suppose an operation is a brighter prospect than the pain. You'll get through this.

  • If it makes you feel any better, they've reduced today self isolation to 7 days if test is negative at that time.

    The quarantine is indeed quite scary. I've been dreading it at times last year. 

    It's good that you'll get the operation for your hip. NHS is struggling so much with all the procedures. It's terrible. I wish they would put the money the promised into it. I've never gone back to the hospital where Juliette did all the chemo and went back to icu right before her passing but just driving by sends a chill down my spine. I only went back once to bring some flowers to the nurses who took care of her.

    Finger crossed for your daughter.

    Take care xx