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  • 34 subscribers


can anyone recommend counselling ?   It’s 21 weeks since My Maureen left me.  We were quite private hence no friends really so I haven’t  spoken to anyone. The past haunts me, the present scares me, the future terrifies me.  I wondered if talking will help. 
I don’t want to go to my GP as They haven’t contacted me since Maureen passed away, I don’t think much of them.                                            I m not sure how I even find one ?  
This time of the year makes it worse as everyone is doing their things……seems like everyone has each other….the loneliness is just intensified.     We didn’t really do Christmas but pre covid we normally went away this time of the year.   

sorry bit of a ramble/ jumble 


  • Hi Jon

    I have been offered a phone call from a stranger, as support from the well being service, but don’t think it will help me and may make my anxiety worse. I feel the same as you, sometimes it does just seems to much to bear. The medication I am on must be helping, because a couple of months ago I was a complete mess, now although I am managing of sorts, I feel dead inside.
    please P.M. me if it’s easier than an open forum. If you haven’t seen your GP yet I think it’s a very good idea, we all need help and support.

    keep safe and well

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • Hi Jon, I lost my husband 10 weeks ago, so have an idea how you feel, I think everyone on here understands the pain you’re going through, I guess we’ll all experience similar feelings at different times.
    For now, at least your communicating with this group, try to continue to share how you feel, it can’t hurt, I know I’ve found sharing with people who understand a helpful outlet, no one else really understands. There are no time limits on speaking to a counsellor, I will in time contact one myself, when I’m ready.

    You take care and be kind to yourself……Linda

  • Thanks Linda for your kindness,

    im sorry for your loss, it’s very early  days for You. It will be 22 weeks this Thursday since Maureen left me.  There are some very kind people on this site. We lived for each other and now nothing is right, losing Maureen every thing has fallen apart and I promised I wouldn’t end up in a dark place and that is the only reason I’m battling on.  

    Thanks again Linda,  take care. 
    sent with a hug 


  • Yes, there are some very kind people on here and I’m always here to listen and trust me, it would be so easy for me to go to that dark place, but I know Mart wouldn’t be best pleased. 

    I have a brother and a sister who have both lost a son, they have both told me the only thing that helps is time. Try to keep talking Jon, someday you might help another from the dark place.

    Big hugs….Linda

  • Hi Jon

    I know what you mean about everyone seeing to have someone. 

    Watching people answer phones to loved ones is really upsetting me at the moment. 

    I understand how you feel about the GPS not contacting you, it's a huge loss you have experienced. One can't help but feel they could at least acknowledge that. Sometimes we don't have the strength to ask. Thinking of you 


    Love is eternal
  • Hello Pam,

     I don’t begrudge anyone happiness,  but when I see others holding hands, going out together in the car. Even seeing couples on tv   It just makes my loss so more real.  I just long for one more hug, one more conversation, just to hear her tell me she loved me.    Thinking of you this NYE.  
    warmest thoughts 


  • Thank you Jon, strangely enough I slept better last night. I think revisiting this site and offloading helped lighten the load  a bit. The weight is overwhelming at times. I can't help doubting things sometimes, and then have to have a word with myself. Yes, one big hug, another affirmation just to see us through. All these happy new years being banded around are done with love and hope but can also feel draining and like another obstacle to wade through

    Love is eternal
  • Yes, in a nutshell. Have the best day you can Jon

    Love is eternal