New to group

  • 4 replies
  • 27 subscribers

Hi I'm new to this group. I lost my soul mate on 1st May to cancer. It came totally out of the blue . Mark started with a sore back in June last year , he thought he just pulled a muscle but after a lot of GP he finally got a MRI. On 25th November last year we were told he had terminal cancer. As Christmas approaches this year I am still struggling to accept he has gone. I just don't know how to cope . 

  • T16,

    very sorry for your loss and very sorry you too have joined this group that no one really wants to be part of. I’m sure you will find everyone supportive because despite our journeys to get here all being different and all of us being at different stages of grieving we ‘get it’

    i have found the members of this group to be very helpful offering gentle words when the going has been tough, each day brings its ups and downs. Have you thought about counselling which can be accessed through palliative care service or your Dr?
    sending gentle hugs to you

    Tracey xx

  • Very sorry for your loss, i know how you feel i also lost my husband  on 21 September this year and he too started with trips to the doctor with back pain,we thought pulled muscle or disc  problems  never thought cancer. 

    It is a awful lonely journey we are on when you loose the person you thought you would grow old with and nobody really understand the pain unless they have been through it. People say oh you are doing so well and David would be proud of you ,what they don't  see is its a act and  i breakdown every day when on my own. I have started writing my feelings down in a joural i bought called"lettrrs to my husband in heaven" it does help because i can say things i would never say to anybody.

    I am also dreading Christmas because we kept it from our children and  family last year until it after so not to spoil it for everyone. Both my children will be coming home around the 18th December. I will put tree up and few decorations  just before for their sake,i dont want them to see how i really feel. Take care and lots of love

    Carol xx

  • Thank you. Family and friends have been a fantastic support but don't like to get upset in front of them. It's been tough for everyone as I lost my dad to cancer 8 months before Mark's diagnosis. Although surrounded by people I have never felt so alone. Mark was only 53 and we had been together for 33yrs . If it was for our kids and grandkids don't think I would get up everyday.


  • Sorry for your loss. Your right we put on an act everyday so people think we are doing ok but cry every day and night when I'm on my own. Mark never gave a thought for himself he was so brave making sure everything was taken care of so I didn't have to deal with it all. We made lots of precious memories last Christmas as he didn't want doom and gloom as he called it. We were fortunate to have him at home and the support from Macmillan, Marie Curie and District Nurses was amazing.x