Solo Christmas card

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Just when I thought I was doing ok I came home from work today, opened the post and there was my first Christmas card - with only me name in it- and it’s absolutely floored me. I knew writing cards would be hard (but I added my dogs name on to try to make it less obvious that a name was missing ) but I wasn’t expecting thisBroken heartBroken heart

  • Hi jillybean ,had a few cards for just me and robbie(the cat) but had one to Lynne and me wishing us a fantastic new year from an old friend of Lynn's which destroyed me so decided not to open anymore and let our daughter open them when she comes to see me ,can't wait for it all to be over , best wishes terry 

  • That must be even harder. Good plan letting someone else open them. X 

  • Hi Tellin,

    I have now received 6 cards of which two were to me and Sharon, like you say it is difficult and immediately turns on the tap. Writing my cards I also put the name of our little Yorkie (Tilly) on.

    Friends of ours in Hamburg yesterday sent me a WhatsApp with photo of a local carol service where they had lit a candle in Sharon’s memory and finished by asking me over to stay for Xmas. Such kind and thoughtful acts, but boy I became a total wreck, just thinking that suddenly I have to handle these things alone without the most important person in my life.

    as time goes on I genuinely feel that I am missing her and thinking of her more every day, just to see a couple walking their dog, holding hands something Sharon and I did all the time. We even held hands over a restaurant table, when watching TV, etc….

    life can be very cruel, and we all know so. Wishing everyone the strength to get through and cope with the fast approaching challenge known as Christmas.

    Love Paul x

  • I received a card today from an old work colleague who had sussed something was amiss and put a very lovely little note in my card, I have sent her a private message on FB to thank her & fill her in, but also had cards addressed to us both - it’s heartbreaking to read them.

    Tracey xx

  • Hi, I've had two cards addressed to me and Nic from people we'd not been in touch with so much in the past couple of years so am sending cards back with a note to let people know what's happened to Nic.  We used to send cards all around the village but I can't face sending 50 cards with just my name so am not doing them at all.  It's so tough as I've done birthday cards this year with just my name and it upset me every time.  We'll get there with everything and ride the storms along the way, good and bad.

    Well wishes to you all.

  • i told friends and family I wasn’t sending cards this year and was donating to the hospice instead.  I’ve had a couple of cards but they were addressed to myself and my daughter but was sad to see Ro s name missing. Dreading any that come to both myself and Rob.  

    We moved in april and only close friends know my new address and redirect room runs out before xmas so I may get a few rogue cards.

  • I feel the same - with the handholding couples etc. I feel like maybe I’m entering the angry phase because I’m really resenting people who get to still share things with their loved ones when all I want is to go for a walk with my Dave and I can’t. I’m considering counselling now as our hospice offers it. 
    Keep putting one foot in front of the other everyone. Thank you for your support. 

  • We had used our Christmas card list to check off who knew and who didn't, and I used it to tell those left after that he'd died in November. I had thought everyone knew I was on my own this Christmas, it's the one that came with his name on it that floored me! I'm only sending back to those that send to me. There have been some very thoughtful cards and notes which I am very grateful for. I have one battery lit candle in the lounge window instead of the house being festooned with lights. Had Christmas lunch out with a friend who was also widowed earlier in the year, and have some turkey slices in the freezer for a sandwich on the 25th. I'll be on my own as all the family live too far away, and anyway, I want it that way. Don't want to be crying all over someone else's Christmas day ! 

  • Oh yes, I know how you feel,  do the counselling! I was getting it anyway from our Hospice, it's just turned into bereavement counselling seamlessly when he died 1st Nov. I'm still at the feeling - and being - sick phase. I'm hoping it passes soon. 

  • hi, I would def take offers of counselling.  It is certainly helping me through.

    I was thinking about the future and my dread is New Year’s eve.  We had some really good evenings with friends over the years, last year we did nothing due to lockdown and we were hoping that this year we would be able to celebrate the end of Robs chemo.

    I think i’ll be going to bed early and hoping that 2022 is a better year.  I don’t want to spend it with anybody.