Making sense of it all.

  • 17 replies
  • 29 subscribers

Hi Everyone,

My husband of 48 years died in August from a GBM grade 4 brain tumour. He had been diagnosed just over a year before. Previous to that he had been a healthy 69 year old.

We still had plans to go on more holidays and just enjoy our retirement, but that wasn't to be. All the way through his illness I tried not to think of what 'might have been' or I would have driven myself mad. I feel I should be grateful for the many years we had together and the fact that we have two grown up daughters and two lovely grandchildren. I sometimes don't though, just feel a bit jealous when I see Grandads with their grandchildren, out on a walk or whatever. Is this normal? Is there a normal grieving process? Some days I think I am too 'cheerful' and that people must think I don't care. I do, deeply, but I still have my life to get on with. I do wonder if it will all come crashing down on me, because I realise this is forever, not just for a while.

Sorry if I'm rambling, but when I have read other people's posts, I wonder if I am not feeling enough pain and loss. I have a very good emotional support person, who says I had anticipatory grief when my husband was ill. I also have very good family support and good friends.

I am trying to sort everything out myself - just had the living room (where my husband passed away) decorated and carpeted, to make it fresher etc. I still feel his presence in the house, in a good way as if he is guiding me on, but realise I can make decisions on my own and deal with most things he did. I've always been a practical person and think I can either sink or swim, I am just about staying afloat at the minute.

Just trying to get my feelings into perspective, sorry about the very long post!

Llamalover xx

  • hi everybody grieves differently, there’s no set pattern.  Some people can see the way forward and others not so quickly.

    I can go for a few days without breaking down and then have a bad day.  I make my own decisions as well (well mostly) as I’m also pretty practical.  In fact yesterday I found my new home and am so happy and sure that Hubby will approve.

    As I said everybody is different, don’t beat yourself up about it and be kind to yourself.

    Take care


  • Hi, I am in a similar place to you although my husband passed away four weeks ago. I think when you have known that the cancer is terminal you start to grieve then,but probably like in my case you don’t let it show because of not making your partner feel any worse.We had both just started to get our state pension this year and it feels so unfair that we don’t get to enjoy our retirement especially with the restrictions of Covid lockdown.We didn’t get to spend as much time with our two young grandchildren.We had two family holidays cancelled,one from lockdown and one this summer because my husband was too ill.I feel resentful when I see couples our age on television planning their happy retirement ,it is all so unfair.

  • Hi Chelseabluegirl,

    Thank you so much for replying to my post. I am trying not to beat myself up about any 'good' feelings that I have. I am very busy with the pre-Christmas shopping etc and seeing people whilst I can (unless Covid strikes again more aggressively and we all have to lock down). Hopefully that doesn't happen.

    I think my husband would be quite proud of the way I have coped so far, I hope so anyway and that's one of the things that keeps me going. 

  • Sorry finished too soon. Anyway thanks again and I hope we members of this club that no one wants to join, can have a relaxed and peaceful Christmas.

    Love, take care,

    Llamalover x

  • Hello Alice 45,

    I know exactly how you feel. Its very soon after your husband has passed away, but think it does get slightly easier day by day, although I have some days when I feel very raw and sensitive.

    We too had holidays booked but couldn't go during lockdown last year and my husband was too ill to go on any sort of break earlier this year. I feel resentful too, that we didn't have this 'old age' that everyone is meant to live to. Someone said to me last week that I needed to make the most of my life as I didn't know what was round the corner. I could see her point, but thought 'thanks for that'! I didn't need telling really!

    I wish you all the best, and thank you for replying to my post. Its helped me greatly.

    Take care,

    Llamalover xx

  • I to am so scared of the future without ian , I am fifty four we went out from fourteen , I have my children but I do miss my husband and am so scared of th ex future xx

  • Hello Jenq

    I feel the same, feels as if its not 'temporary' anymore - its the permanency that scares me. We will get through all of this. Keep your family close and talk to any friends that will listen. This site is really good to pour out your fears and thoughts. We all sadly belong to the same 'club', but we must look after ourselves and attempt to look forward to better times, hopefully, one day.

    Please take care,

    Llamalover xx

  • I get the not temporary bit.I am now starting to have days like today when I realise that this is all real and not just a bad dream. I also wish they would stop banging on about this going to be the best Christmas ever,it certainly won’t be for me.

  • Just want Christmas out the way , I feel worse now than a year ago , and am forever going over things in my mind , things that really don’t matter sometimes feel like I’m losing the plot xx

  • Please don’t apologise for long posts, I sometimes feel mine are rather disjointed and rambling, but when discussing feelings / emotions, it often comes out that way. Your post echoes pretty much what we all go through. Can’t pretend I get any good days, just bad days and not so bad days. No idea how long this awful pain will last, I don’t want it to ever go completely, but the immense grief does take over and prevents us from having the motivation to do the simplest of things, and makes things challenging which shouldn’t really really be.

    we had a Christmas get together on the 12th, me, my kids and grandchildren, at my youngest daughters home. It was really nice, everyone did their best, but of course it was tinged with sadness, as my wife and their mum / grandmother couldn’t be there.

    keep safe and well

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories