Increased Migraine incidents

  • 5 replies
  • 26 subscribers

My Daughter used to have a problem with Migraine, before her Mum (My Wife) passed. But has become significantly worse since, 2-3 times a week and more intense. I wonder if she could be suppressing her grief, as she has a big family to look after. Wondered if anyone else has seen a similar situation 


  • As a migraine sufferer myself, I know that increased episodes are often due to a number of things - but classic triggers such as tiredness, stress and erratic eating are also common factors in grief.  Two to three are a lot and she should get a referral to a neurologist from her GP.  Hopefully they've already got her on triptans to take when she has a migraine  - if not, she needs to get her GP to prescribe them immediately.

  • Hello, will tell my daughter what you have said, I don’t know what’s she’s on, she wanted to get a head MRI done to see if there’s was anything causing it, but was refused, her DR is rubbish, expects patients to do research and he just prescribes what’s asked for, doesn’t listen or care about symptoms or enter into discussions , the other local practice are full and not taking patients, difficult situation thank you

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • Checked with my Daughter and she has been prescribed  triptans, but doesn’t always help, we are all encouraging her to get a GP referral fingers crossed she is successful 

    thank you

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • Get her to try another triptan drug - there are several so she might find another one helps.  And not to delay - the moment she feels a migraine coming on, take a triptan. It's harder to get rid of a migraine once it gets a hold. 

  • It’s the DR that’s the problem, don’t treat it seriously, she been battling for ever for proper help 

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories