The dream with the light

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Good morning everyone,

It's a dull Sunday morning here in Bray, Ireland, and I am sitting here with my first cup of coffee. I didn't sleep very well last night because I only took half a sleeping tablet - my idea is to come off them eventually but I decided to go slowly and try it with going from one to a half first.

The first time I had this dream with the light was probably about three years ago. Paul and I were in a hotel - a big, very beautiful house, almost like a castle - and one day we went out the back and there was a kind of a ramp that lead down to the beach. There were lots of people there who told us that we should come along to this very special event that evening at 7pm. We walked with the group onto the beach and into the water and it was like we were walking through shallow water to a kind of an island. There were even more people there. We sat down with them on the ground, Paul put his arm around me, it was dark, but as we had been told we looked into the distance and, all of a sudden, there was this ball of bright, white/golden light, not for long, only for a very short moment, and we were almost blinded by it but also really fascinated knowing that we had seen something very, very special. Somewhere deep down I knew that it had been the sun, another part of me knew that it was life itself - you know, in dreams you often know everything and nothing at the same time.

I had the same dream a second time a while later. Exactly the same feelings of awe and admiration and almost being overwhelmed by the beauty.

I had the same dream a third time not too long ago but this time I wasn't there with Paul but with my mum. I wanted her to experience this mysterious light. But, unfortunately, we didn't make it to the small island and I was very sad about it.

And then I had the same dream last night. But I was there with my dad. The dream did not start in the hotel this time but in the shallow water as we were walking to the island. And as I sat on the ground expecting the light to come up and fill me, like it had before, with this sense of beauty and awe, I found myself sobbing because Paul was not there to witness it with me and would never ever be there again. It struck me that I didn't have any tears, the sobs seemed to come very deep from inside of me, and in fact I cannot remember whether I saw the sun or nott.

Isn't that interesting? I have often wondered what it really means this dream.

In general I have to say that I am observing that now as I am no longer taking a whole sleeping tablet I am much more aware of my dreams. And in a way I miss the peace I had when I was not conscious of my dreams. However, I just wanted to tell you about this one because I find it really fascinating.

Love and hugs to all, Mel.

After that first dream I used to have this dream with the light the first time I used to have a dream

  • It is amazing! I think I had once the same kind of feeling in a dream in which I was traveling on a boat to the north pole to see the whales. It was so amazing to witness the beauty of the whales with the Sun and the ice in the background. Proper fantasy but with a proper feeling of peace and everything at the same time.

    In your case it's very interesting that the dream is recurring like that, I think your brain is clearly talking to you, and the fact that Paul wasn't there this time means a lot of course. Dreams are so interesting and puzzling at the same time!

    Thanks for sharing. Maybe one day your brain will realise that this little island is actually where you can meet Paul to see the light together again. xx

    Take care x


  • Hi Mel,

    The white radiant light in a dream is regarded as a positive sign often thought to come from your higher self. It is usually seen as a sign that  you will be okay, things will improve. It is quite usual to feel emotionally better after experiencing this dream.