Anniversary and I feel totally broken

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At precisely 7.12pm on this evening 6 years ago the most stunning, amazing, kind, thoughtful, caring, wonderful lady who ever walked this planet came into my life ! We became engaged Xmas day 2016, and finally married on 20th July 2020. We were to spend the rest of our lives in each other’s arms and grow old together. Today, our 6th anniversary of meeting, I would have sent her flowers and a dinner at our fav restaurant but tonight it really hit me big time. 5 weeks since my darling Sharon passed away and I am more heartbroken than ever and lay on our bed with her ashes and literally cried for longer than ever, just asking why, why, why, saying I don’t feel I can survive these feelings much longer ! Why is life so f***ing cruel, my life is nothing without her by my side. (Sorry for the expletive but my feelings are just so strong) I miss her more and more each day.

RIP my darling, hopefully we will soon be reunited Heart️Broken heartBroken heart


  • Hello Paul.

    All I can say is I feel and share your pain, I lost my beautiful wife on 3rd November and the world is now a very empty place.

    I hope you can find some comfort thinking about the good times you had.

    A lot of people here will share your pain.


  • Hi Paul,

    Anniversaries are tough. All the first times are tough. But time helps.

    I lost my wife in August last year and sometimes we reflect with my two teenage daughters on where we were a year ago and where we are now. It seems like yesterday and like a century ago at the same time. A different life.

    5 weeks is so very early. Everything is still raw. Take your time. Someone was saying elsewhere we can't stop the waves but we can learn how to ride them. It's not that easy of course but don't worry, it will get better and for now cry as much as needed, embrace all this because at the end of the day every sad moment, sad day, etc. makes you stronger. It gives us experience and awareness.

    take care xx


  • AhPaul, my heart goes out to you. The firsts are the hardest. Lots of love, Mel.

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds.