I don't want to be told what to say and what not to say

  • 19 replies
  • 31 subscribers

Hi all,

When I was trying to send a message this morning, I got the following message on my screen "This content is currently pending review by moderators and is not available. Please try again later." I honestly hope for the sake of the moderators and the people on here who like my posts and appreciate the things I say that this does not mean that my messages are being reviewed before they are being sent to the forum because, if this is the case, I will leave the forum. Of course, if I find out that my suspicions are true, I will let you all know that I am leaving.


  • Hi, did you get to the bottom of this? 

  • Good morning,

    I still pop onto the forum, but not as much as I did.

    But about 2 weeks ago i replied to a tread about sorting things ect. Really thought it would help others, I was heart broken writing it but was pleased I felt I could contribute again.  The post was never posted and was never seen again, I wasted my time, emotions and didn't have the heart or energy to write it again 

    Got to say I am disappointed with the set up.

    Love to everyone at this difficult time.


  • One of the roles of the moderators may also be to identify anyone who is potentially suffering suicidal ideation & get some appropriate help for them rather than acting as big brother is watching you type of role - just a thought.

    Tracey xx

  • The Macmillan community support is absolutely amazing, almost immediate responses and they have a passion for sorting out issues, even forums such as this have bugs and glitches, I know as my account was locked out for many weeks for technical reasons. So I suggest, contact the help email and explain the issue, I bet it’ll get sorted, be sad to lose ChilliChilli or MelanieL  contributions

    take care

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • Morning,

    You are right MacMillan have been amazing , we had a MacMillan nurse assigned to us when Rob was in end of life care at home, I have rang the help line many times when I have been very low and I have been having one to one sessions for bereavement support locally for last 6 months.

    I have been fundraising for them since Robs death and will continue as they have been my life line.

    Regarding the forum, I have found it frustrating, mainly when I reply by my phone not laptop, it isn't that I have written anything worrying, possibly just a technical issue, it's so up setting when you poor your heart out and message disappears. I then back off, more to protect myself from more tears.

    I going no where, I pop back when I can and feeling up to it.



  • I have the same problem on my iPad, what I do now is, once I have written a few lines, I highlight and copy the text, saved to the clipboard, then continue until finished, sometimes an paste into notepad, then always copy all the text before clicking on post or reply Etc. That’s the time things go wrong. If it’s saved on the clipboard, by copying or in notepad then can paste back. Always do this, it’s so difficult to write again such posts from memory. Hope that helps

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

  • Hi everyone on this thread,

    I don't know. I just think that we are all grownups and don't need to be supervised and monitored by others.

    I do understand though, that there is a flagging system so that when certain words are being used that suggest that a person is in danger of harming oneself or another it would be shown to the moderators so that they can react to this particular person.

    I think I just have something against too much intervention.

    In this case, however, the email wasn't held back intentionally as I have now found out - so I'll stay here guys :-)

    I suppose this is especially hard for me to take as I am a therapist and facilitator myself and sometimes feel like: Who are you to

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • I just want to say this, I know I'm on and off this forum and I don't always say the right things and come across as being negative and I apologise but this is just me how I'm dealing with it I'm normally  a strong stable rational person but this has rocked me I'm just not myself its taken me over I can't seem to find my way back and I'm really trying,just can't help myself checking on all your messages so I guess I need you more than I know x

  • You must and should never apologise, we are all going through hell with our grief and the emotions it brings, there is no right or wrong things to say. With the help of my Anti depressants I am fortunately in a better place, 3-4 months ago I was in a complete mess, thinking very self destructive thoughts, thinking the suffering would never end, but as someone else said, really it does come down initially to acceptance. I believe I have now accepted my Darling  Linda is not coming back, tears are filling my eyes just writing those words, because deep down I still want to believe in miracles, and she will suddenly return. My new reality really sucks, my Children and other family are suffering also, but we share our pain, emotions and also our happy memories of Linda. Putting the Christmas tree up tomorrow, with my youngest Son, no idea how that will affect me, have a Christmas and Birthday cards to write out to Linda, that again will be difficult to say the least. But we all have to handle it in the way that’s best for us. The tears won’t stop for years I know, maybe never. It’s the deepest sadness and pain imaginable, but we will all slowly get stronger and find it easier to manage the grief. 

    take care and keep safe and well

    Sweat Linda You are my best memory, You are all of my best memories

    • Thankyou for your support, im on week 12 still waiting to wake up feeling in a better place,its just not happening I'm scared I'm never going to recover from the whole experience my mind is racing with so many thoughts my mark,my family, my past,my future I'm just still stuck in the trauma of seeing a man with a life in front of him, being tortured by cancer, I torment myself  with before and after pictures,is this normal feel like I'm dragging you all down but this is how I feel.