Update on hospital complaint

  • 15 replies
  • 28 subscribers


Some of you that have been on this site for a while may recall my earlier posts... My husband's cancer treatment teetered between neglect, mis-treatment and at times became farcical,  but it was far from being a laughing matter.

I initially filed my official list of 22 in-depth complaints, on behalf of my husband shortly after he passed away (as he had asked me to do). I  jumped through every one of the hospital's hoops, remained polite, listed everything with detailed information....I contacted an MP to enlist his help when the hospital wouldn't respond and I also sent a report to the Ombudsman.

Today, after 14 months they have run out of delaying tactics, designed to make me quit, I have finally been given a date to go and meet various doctors, oncologist, hospital management etc so we can face each other around the table.  I will get to be my husband's mouth piece and hold them accountable for their failures.

I know it will not bring my husband back and I stress this was never about any financial gain,  I  simply want my husband's complaints to be heard and for them to acknowledge their awful failings and neglect. 

I do wonder what excuses other than covid that they come up with.

  • Thank you for your comments Alison. I hope my actions may have a domino effect to encompass other cancer centres and that I  time they will all treat patients, particularly the terminally ill with more care and respect.

    I'm not sure when your husband passed away, but now your anger can be channelled in the right direction you may still be within the time frame to make your complaints official. 

    It doesn't bring our loved ones back but it does help to know that they have the apologies they deserve. 

    Mym x

  • Thank you Glenis,

    It was emotionally draining but I  held strong to the fact that my husband got the apologies he deserved and hopefully future patients may get  better treatment. 

    We never expected doctors to perform miracles... but we did expect my husband to be treated with honesty,  care and respect at all times... Sadly, he wasn't.

    Tomorrow is my husband's birthday.. I may not be able to send him cards and kisses but hopefully this is my tribute to him Heart decoration

    Mym x

  • I’ve just started a complaint with the Ombudsman regarding our Health Insurance provider not covering my husbands illness.  Long story.

    I don’t want any money just for them to apologise and admit they were in the wrong.

    Verbally the ombudsman agrees I have a case so fingers crossed.

    Yours is a brilliant tribute to him and i’m sure he is looking down in you and feeling proud.


  • Personally speaking, if it is in respect of money that should have been paid to you as part of an insurance policy... I would claim every penny back that you are entitled to.

    Even if you then felt you wanted to donate some of it to a charity in your husband's memory. 

    I wouldn't let an insurance company profit from your loss.


  • Hi, I guess I’ll have to see what happens with the complaint and what the Ombudsman decides but yes if they do pay out for the CT scan and Specialist fee then I would certainly donate the money to Pancreatic Cancer.

    Rob was misdiagnosed by the hospital hence why we went private as we both knew that he didn’t have duverculitis.