Update on hospital complaint

  • 15 replies
  • 28 subscribers


Some of you that have been on this site for a while may recall my earlier posts... My husband's cancer treatment teetered between neglect, mis-treatment and at times became farcical,  but it was far from being a laughing matter.

I initially filed my official list of 22 in-depth complaints, on behalf of my husband shortly after he passed away (as he had asked me to do). I  jumped through every one of the hospital's hoops, remained polite, listed everything with detailed information....I contacted an MP to enlist his help when the hospital wouldn't respond and I also sent a report to the Ombudsman.

Today, after 14 months they have run out of delaying tactics, designed to make me quit, I have finally been given a date to go and meet various doctors, oncologist, hospital management etc so we can face each other around the table.  I will get to be my husband's mouth piece and hold them accountable for their failures.

I know it will not bring my husband back and I stress this was never about any financial gain,  I  simply want my husband's complaints to be heard and for them to acknowledge their awful failings and neglect. 

I do wonder what excuses other than covid that they come up with.

  • Hi

    Best of luck with the meeting. We did something similar with my wife's treatment that ended up putting her in a coma in intensive care for a week with 50/50 chance of survival and a full month in hospital in total.

    We were lucky enough to be supported by an advocate from the independent complaints advocacy service and that I think was quite helpful.



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  • How did you get on Pooka? You are very brave to do this. I gave up even as a nurse. 

    I really hope you smash it and get your answers 

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • Thanks Alison,

    The meeting is next week (15th)...

    I don't hold out much hope but hopefully I will get the chance to point out their failings and the consequences of their neglect and apathy.


  • If it only makes you feel better then you give it to them all guns blazing. 

    I wish you all the luck in the world. 

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • hi, just wondering how your meeting went and you got your answers.

    Stay strong


  • Hi Glenis

    I travelled back to the hospital on Wednesday (3 hour journey each way) to attend the meeting along with my daughter.  The meeting was scheduled for about 1.5 hours...it lasted over 3 hours!  

    In the meeting room there were 6 senior doctors including head of respiratory, the oncologist, a Professor and a further 6 senior nursing staff and hospital management joining via live video internet links.

    My daughter led the proceedings...I think they were all taken aback when they realised that she is a Lecturer in Law and that we were both fully capable of conversing with them on their level and not about to be intimidated. (personally I was terrified but tried not to show it)

    We had so many apologies from each one of them and they admitted their failings towards my husband...the lady oncologist was in genuine tears and the professor looked like he wanted the floor to open up and swallow him.

    Many changes have already been implemented due to my complaints and they have agreed on a plan of action to make further changes to ensure that future cancer patients are treated better. Other than specific instances of neglect the crux of a lot of our arguments being poor communication, honest and candid information and for patients to have a proactive support person that they can contact immediately who can help them: on a practical level, seeking medical advice from the correct doctors dealing with the patient or liaising with other organisations as and when the need arises.

    To be honest I presented so much evidence they could not try to dismiss any of my serious claims and some of these matters have flagged up for immediate action and further investigation by senior staff.

    This morning I have been sent a verbal recording of the whole meeting and in January I will be sent a detailed written report of the meeting and what action has been taken to rectify matters.

    There were times when I was crying especially on the emotive subjects but I stood up to the doctors concerned and I made them aware that these complaints came from my husband and that I was merely voicing his concerns on his behalf.

    Mym x

  • Well done pooka I'm so happy for you ,you got the result you wanted for your husband, we have to trust the people who look after our loved ones but they are not infallible, and sometimes make decisions that are not necessarily the right one ,my Lynne's oncologist in Sheffield told us ,and these are her words, we cant give you anymore treatment and your life is going to be short ,that after suspending chemo because of covid, so we had to go to Manchester where they agreed to treatment and it gave us another year of life and love together for which I am eternally grateful, all the best terry 

  • Tellin,

    It is so wrong when treatment becomes a postcode lottery. ..  

    So well done to you for not accepting the initial oncologist's diagnosis and for seeking treatment elsewhere and getting extra time with your wife.


  • Well done Mym! That is fantastic and incredibly brave. I wish I had been able to do the same but I think my anger has overtaken it all.

    I am still angry and disappointed as it is the hospital I trained at! But I had to move forward from Ric because of other issues with him too.

    I am very pleased and proud that you did it and got those important changes. 

    Love and hugs Alison xxx

  • Hello Mym, it must have been so emotional remembering and discussing the issues you all had.  

    You are one brave lady.

    So glad you got the outcome you wanted.

    Take care and I hope that this lightens your heart.
