Christmas is going to be so tough

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  • 29 subscribers

My darling Linda was born on Christmas Day 1952. We have always tried to make the day about her, she has missed out so much through her childhood, Joint Christmas birthday presents etc, or “we’ll get you a birthday present later”  she refused to open her birthday cards and presents till the 25th and had a separate string in the wall for her birthday cards. She so loved Christmas, when she was well enough we went to virtually all the church Christmas services, even the midnight mass, my plan is to do some of them this year for her, but just don’t know how strong I’ll be. Got to see if I’m strong enough to setup the Christmas tree, although my Son has offered to help. She so loved Christmas movies, ever since I can remember we have watched Love Actually early December, again I want to watch this for / with her, but can’t do it alone, will need to have someone with me, that shouldn’t be a problem, family have been so supportive.

take care everyone and keep safe and well

  • Hello 

    Warm thoughts spring up when I see your name pop up .

    Thinking of everyone on this thread . My oldest son likes to send me son Tic Tok videos . Last week he sent me a clip of Andrew Garfield on the death of his mother . He describes his mothers life as continuing to sing the song she never got to finish .

    Hope with time , love and support you can all keep singing the songs your loved ones never got to finish . 
    Much love to all ,


    Helpline Number 0808 808 0000

  • Hi Court, ditto, you always seem to have the right words within your reach, to try to help make us all feel a little better.

    I can’t believe it’s 3 years ago that you advised me to keep my mind with my body, those words resonate with me today but its harder at the moment, hopefully in time.

    Sending love and hope……..Linda