My wife

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  • 28 subscribers

My wife was diagnosed with AML in March this year. She passed away on the 24 th September. The consultant advised us that chemotherapy would probably not work so Jan decided not to go for it but just get the transfusions when required. We always knew she would not walk away from this but when the end came it was still a shock. Two months down the road and I still cannot come to terms with her loss. We met 50 years ago on a blind date and married for 44 years. Jan was only 68. I do not know what to do with myself 

  • Hi Rapid

    I lost my husband 3 years ago & found it very hard to carry on but knew l couldn't  give up because he wouldn't  forgive me

    Hope you can find some new interests & hobbies but I do know how hard it is 

  • Hi

    I have a dog which I have to get up and feed and take walks. He is amazing and my best friend. don't know what I would do without him. Does it get any better with time or do you just learn to live with it?

  • Hi Raaid

    I am sorry you have had to join this group, its not one any one wants to be in.

    Does it get any better, well i have just gone past the two  year mile stone, i have just  learnt to live with it one day at a time for me. Like you i was married for 53yearsand do not know a life without him, but i carry on because he would want me to.

    I do not cry as much, but sometimes things just set me of

    , he pops into my head quiet often like, oh Tom will be home soon, been out a long time, its like to  just forget that they will not.

    I could not play any of our songs at start but now i play rather loud and sing, and remember the good times we had, and a little grin comes to my face, those where the days.

    We all learn in our own way how to cope, what ever is best for you, Its early days and it does take time, i never ever thought i would or could survive with out him, though i am still doing one day and small steps.

    Please use this group  every one here truly understands how you are feeling and every emotion you will go threw, we have all been there,

    Take Care Ellie xx

  • I've just got a little dog it's lovely to have something to care for &take for walks wish l had done it sooner.I think you learn to live with it .But at the moment  lam going through another health scare & realise  I am glad he is not here as he would be so worried.Miss him to discuss things with though .But talk to his picture which I do crazy or not.

  • Yes the dog does help mine will be 7 on Sunday he is a collie x Kelpie and full of energy. 
    I also miss not being able to discuss things, especially when I have been out with Flynn and seen deer Deer or something and I say to my self must tell jan that when I get home. Then when I turn the key in the lock I realise that the house is empty