3 months today - feeling so sad

  • 4 replies
  • 28 subscribers

Its been 3 months tonight at 7.10 that Rob left us, we were holding his hand as he took his last breath, Heaven by Brian Adams was playing on the radio.

Its been the worst 3 months of my life, I’ve written before that we sold up and had decided to move to Spain as was Robs dream, a few months later he was dead. 

I woke up very early this morning and can’t stop crying, it is so unfair, we worked so hard to be able to carry out our dreams and now nothing.

I try to keep busy but at times like this My future is a blank.

Sorry, having a down day but god I miss him so much and the happy time we had together.

I know it will get better but it doesn’t feel like that today.


  • Hi, i can relate to your feelings it has been 2 months today that my darling husband died,  i have been in tears even more today as I like you feel like my life has been taken away from me.

    Everybody says go easy on yourself but what does that even really mean ,they are not the one missing them every day from waking up to going to sleep.

    I have just bought a journal from Amazon, "letters to my husband in heaven" I am writing in it every day numerous times and write as if I am talking to him and telling him how much I miss him and what I have done today.  I am finding it helpfully writing it down ,maybe it might be worth a try for you.  At least in a few months might see a change in myself when I look back on what I have written.

    I know it's just so hard to accept that this is it when everybody else has started to go back to there normal lives and we are stuck in a endless loop .

    Sending a hug  

  • hi, what a wonderful idea, I’ve ordered the journal.  Much better than me ranting at  him and my words making no sense  due to the tears.

    My daughter is on her way to spend the night here, We’re going get a takeaway and watch I’m a Celebrity (Rob loved that show). I’m going to try to sleep in our bedroom tonight instead of the spare room, hopefully i’ll get some sleep, I’ve not slept in there since he died in that room.

    Thank you for your kind words

  • Oh, poor you, of course that would heighten your sadness and grief  and make everything seem very bleak.  I don't have any useful suggestions other than to say don't apologise for a down day - you're bound to have them. Perhaps just inwardly acknowledge your sadness and accept it. Sometimes all we can do,is take a deep breath and focus on getting through, a bit at a time.  Wishing you strength 

  • You are perfectly entitled to a down day as we pass certain landmarks since our life partners are taken away from us, one week, one month, 3 months, 6 months etc.

    The happy memories you have of being together nobody can take away from you and on these landmark times it is these we should think about.

    sending virtual hugs

    Tracey xx