So lonely, guilty and sad

  • 3 replies
  • 28 subscribers

I lost my lovely husband Ken on 11/11/21  @ 11.00am so he won't be forgotten. I didn't manage to get into a hospice and I went against his wishes to go back to hospital as unfortunately I couldn't cope with his fevers as he had contracted sepsis.

It has only been a week since he has passed and I am not coping so well. Have nearly sorted out all of our affairs', having a wake in his memory in a couple of weeks as not having a funeral.

I miss him so much as he was my rock and I am floundering at the moment. I am trying to stay strong but it is hard on your own.


  • I am so sorry for your loss. 

    I don’t think anyone describes themselves as coping in here, but it sounds as if you’re doing a great job on the practicalities (better than me and my beloved husband died on 2/11). Emotionally? That’s the really hard bit. 

    Unsurprisingly here everyone ‘gets it’ in a way that is harder for people who haven’t been through this type of tragedy perhaps can’t. I’m the first one of our friends to go through this so I really appreciate the understanding and advice on here. 

    I don’t have a lot of advice - and certainly nothing useful - it’s sh*t and there are no shortcuts I’ve found. Grief is the flip side of love and you’re going to feel miserable for some time. I’m 9 days ahead of you and really struggling myself. But you’re not alone and need to take support from anywhere you find it: friends, family, here and counselling. 

  • Hi Golfmad,

    I’m sorry for your loss and sorry you are now part of the group you hope no one else joins.

    I completely agree with the comments of Amanda 278 - it is very early days & I also felt dreadful at this point as I had contacted the financial institutions but not heard anything back. My emotions were alien to me and I had a physical aching in my chest.

    Try and take people up on the offers of meet ups in whatever form it does help if not to fill a bit of time. From the name are you a golfer? If so get out & play it might not be good but again you are out in the fresh air

    One day at a time & baby steps

    sending hugs 


  • Hi,

    I to can say you did the right thing to join this forum, we all do genuinely get where you are at. I would say it is critical to talk to someone, good friend, GP perhaps help you, various charities including Samaritans. Fortunately I am blessed with a brother who has supported me immensely, I have gone back to the gym and everyone appreciates my situation. Be assured the more you talk about how you feel makes you feel a little less burdened, keeping it in means it builds up inside and can completely overwhelm you. It was one month yesterday that I lost my darling wife after just 15 months of marriage and 6 years together, both in our 60’s. Last night was terrible, and I ended up cuddling the urn with her ashes as if she was with me, another day I still think it’s a really bad dream !!

    Keep Fighting on and never be afraid to offload or rant on this forum, I have found it incredibly helpful and supportive.

    Best Wishes,

    Paul x