Misery milestones

  • 3 replies
  • 27 subscribers

My husband died 2 weeks and a day ago - and that is now the longest period I’ve not seen him in 26 years. It’s unbearable. 

I’ve had our first wedding anniversary since he died, a week ago. Funeral next week. Christmas yet to come of course, but every day that passes marks the longest time without seeing him and that’s just as hard, it’s just every day. 

  • Hello Amanda278

    I feel your pain my beautiful wife slipped away in my arms at 00:35 on 3rd November.

    After 22 years together it seems as if my world is empty the nights are colder and longer and the pain does not ease.

    I hope you can be strong and remember all the good times you had together.

    Thinking of you.


  • And I know those memories will console me at some point in the future, but they make me feel sadder and more bereft now. 

    Thank you for your reply and I will think of you too - we are on the same timeframe, my husband died on 2nd November 

  • Hi Amanda, I’m not much further down my new path than you 4 weeks but I found the 2 week mark the worst, I had set the wheels in motion for most of the financial stuff/ funeral arrangements but then everything seemed to be in limbo except the arrival of huge piles of sympathy cards and I cried buckets every morning at the beautiful messages. I was sitting alone in the house for hours on end and felt to be drowning with a physical pain in my chest, the emotions I felt were truly alien to me & I didn’t recognise any of them. A good friend towards the back end of that week happened to text me & realised I wasn’t in a good way & at 9:30pm arrived at my house to stay with me for the night. I also that weekend spoke to another couple of friends who have also lost partners & this did me the world of good. As a very independent women I have found it hard to reach out to people when I’ve not felt so good but I’m beginning to do this & it makes each day more bearable. I go to bed when I feel tired not when the clock tells me.

    I have felt more contentment since Craig’s funeral & discovered things about him that I never knew, saw previously unshared photos from some of the golfing trips he went on, I used the day as a final opportunity to let Craig shine.

    Be kind to yourself take all the help that is offered to you & think of all your wonderful memories you made

    Love & hugs

    Tracey xx