Back to the beginning……

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Ian passed away suddenly and unexpectedly nearly 22 weeks ago now but I feel so low recently. We were together for nearly 40 years and the loss is unbearable.  Even now, I find it almost impossible to accept what has happened. I have just started counselling to help with this.

I thought I was doing well but this last week I’ve cried at the slightest thing- people making insensitive comments, my sister comparing her divorce to my loss, neighbours not reaching out to me, a friend cancelling coffee because she is poorly etc  What is wrong with me?

I used to be able to take myself off in Ian’s car and read for hours in one of our favourite haunts but recently, I can find no comfort in that. All I can think of is how can I have a future without Ian by my side.  No more days out or holidays together. When I see couples I just think that should be me and Ian. Most of all, I ask the question ‘Why was Ian’s future so cruelly taken from him?’

How does one cope with this pain……

Julie x

  • Hi Julie, we don’t cope with the pain but learn to let it live along side us, if we didn’t have pain we wouldn’t of loved. There are no easy answers & each one of us in this group will deal with it in different ways. It is only 4 weeks for me since Craig passed away but I am now calling in all the offers of walks/ lunch/ cuppas & not turning anything away in the Hope keeping busy will help. I certainly feel better if Ihave got out of the house each day & particularly if exercise has been involved.

    Be kind to yourself & take friends up on the offers of support

    sending love & hugs

    Tracey xx

  • So sorry Julie.

    It's hard to find ourselves without our loved one. The pain can be overwhelming

    .Don't be so hard on  yourself you're reacting is perfectly normal after what you've been through

    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate
  • I hear you. It’s only just over a fortnight since my husband was snatched from me but I feel just like you. Sounds like it’s not going to get any less unbearable any time soon. 

    I have no answers, only sympathy and empathy.