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My lovely partner Nic died in February. Tomorrow would have been the 20 year anniversary since we first met in person. We met online and emailed lots for 3 weeks before we plucked up the courage to talk on the phone and eventually meet up.  He travelled from Northampton to Leicester to see me, we had a lovely time and immediately clicked. 

I want to do something, but don't know what.  I could have a usual miserable Monday, as he died on a Monday, or celebrate what would have been a special day.  All lovely memories prior to his diagnosis in November 2018 are lost in a fog of disbelief and helplessness.  I guess I'll have to see how I feel when I wake up tomorrow and see how it goes, but I want to do something to mark the occasion.

No suggestions necessary, just voicing my thoughts and feeling confused.

  • Dear nicmrs,

    Thats exactly how I felt on a lot of my first. Its still early days for you and I am sorry to hear of your loss. 

    I am nearly 3 years on but do recall feeling the same as you. Ended up having  duvets days alot on the first year's key dates and I suppose that's what I needed to do at that time....

    Today is what would have been my husband's birthday and I spent some time in the pub with close mutual friends remembering him. I was low yesterday as the anticipation sometimes still gets me. However,  I ended up having a lovely day starting the day off with a walk and later at the pub. 

    Whatever you decide to do my thoughts are with you. Sometimes you just have go with the flow as you mention and in time, you will find ways to mark the occasion in your own way. 

    Sending you lots love and virtual hugs,

    Dutsie Xx

  • I hope you find the best way for you to commemorate the date. 

  • It’s so wonderful and so encouraging to hear from people who are further down the line that there’s a way through this.