Still struggling

  • 7 replies
  • 27 subscribers

I  lost my husband just over 6 weeks ago and I am really struggling to keep going, I feel like I am getting worse as the weeks go bye, I cry constantly, crying as I write now.

I keep seeing him how he was at the end and I do not want to remember him like this, he was in so much pain that that was unbearable to watch and I know he wanted to go  but I didn't want to lose him, I told him it was ok to leave me and I would be ok but it was a lie. I am not ok.

I think I have been kidding myself that it is all not real and now its sinking in that it is real. I just feel so lost and alone and miss him so much  and miss the future plans that we had talked about.

People dont call or ask how I am now the weeks are going by as if I should be moving on, I feel like saying how do I move on when the person I have loved since I was 17 has left me, he was the only person I ever wanted to be with and now at 55 I am left without him and  everybody seems to be getting on with there lives.

My Son and Daughter are dealing with this better than me , they are both busy so I suppose they have there minds occupied and I wouldn't want them to be feeling how I do anyway and I know they miss there dad terribly so I try and pretend I am ok when I speak to them.

At least on here I can write it down to let it out a bit as only people who have been through this get it.

People keep telling me it gets better, I feel like it will never get any better because I am on my own now and the only one I wanted to do anything with has gone.

I  know I could never be with anyone else so I guess this is my life from now on.

sorry for the miserable rant but its just how I feel.

it just get through each day , go to bed and dread the next morning  as it all starts again.

  • I’m so sorry you feel like this. I think the flip side of love is grief - you feel so miserable because you loved him. I absolutely know how you feel though - I miss my own husband desperately. 

    I’ve read - and it makes sense to me - that you don’t get over something so devastating, you just adjust to accommodate that pain. 

    Also, someone I know whose wife died, said something that really struck a chord with me: “when you watch someone you love so much fighting for life, you make sure you don’t waste it”.  My inclination is to hide away, but this did make me think. It’s not easy, of course. Could you get access to counselling? This is one of the hardest things anyone has to face - take all the help you can get, and ask for help if you need to. 

    Hope this helps a bit, given that nothing really can help, faced with such grief and pain.

  • ohSad0000 we all know exactly how you feel.  i’ve been crying most of the day too (it’s 12 weeks today since Rob went). 

    How can you get over losing the person you were going to get old with, share your hopes, dreams and experiences with? The person you probably loved most in the world? 

    I know what you mean about pretending in front of the children, i do the same and when my daughter face times me I try to not jet her see my eyes with the tell tale tears. 

    i understand what you said about telling them it was ok to go, I did the same when Rob was unconscious as apparently the last shut down is hearing, I didn’t want him to have any more pain but like you it was not OK and should I have told him that? 

    when we were told that Rob had weeks to live, he got out of bed came over to me and told me that I needed to be happy and make sure I met somebody that would love me like he did.  I can’t imagine that happening.  At the moment I still can’t see memories before he was ill.  I only see memories of him when he got ill till when he left me.  

    Somebody on the forum said they prefer the saying moving forward than moving on and I also prefer that.  We will never get over our loved one but we will move forward but our lives will not be the same again.

    Massive hug to you



  • Hi Glenis, Thankyou for your reply I know I am not the only person going through this but it feel like it when you cannot control the tears and only the people on here seem to understand this.

    I hope and pray it does get better for all of us going through this and we  can move forward as like you say moving on in not a option at the moment just getting through each day is a struggle.

    Love Carol xx

  • Thankyou for  taking the time to reply, I do think what you said about watching them fighting to live makes you think that you should not  waste your life but its so hard when I would swop places with him if I could.

    I do think I might need to speak to my GP but dont want to be put on antidepressants but if things continue I might have to give in.

    Carol x

  • hi did you have any dealings with a hospice or McMillan? I have counselling via them and it is sometimes easier to let it all out to somebody who will listen, not judge or say insensitive things.


  • HI, we had the McMillan  hospice involved but didn't want him in the hospice and kept David at home and looked after him myself. Maybe I should give them a ring see if can get some  counselling. 



  • if they were involved then yes you can apply for counselling (rob wasn’t in the hospice but they helped us for the last 3 weeks of his life him as he was at home being cared for by myself and my daughter).

    you can refer yourself for counselling.