Am I too sensitive?

  • 12 replies
  • 32 subscribers

Hi everyone

Ian passed away suddenly 21 weeks ago today and I wonder how you all cope with insensitive comments or I’m I just being too sensitive.

Yesterday I had to meet with someone I’ve not seen since Ian passed away. All I can say was he was quite ‘jolly’ ’ and couldn’t seem to understand my reactions. When asked how I was doing I thought I’d be honest so told him I wasn’t doing too well. He just completely ignored that comment and asked was I moving etc all with a smile on his face!

Just now my sister, who has been very supportive, said her not eating healthily and being obese with associated medical problems, was a lifestyle choice just like I was choosing not to have any real appetite….  I found that comment so hurtful and upsetting but didn’t say anything.

I could go on but I’m sure everyone on here has had insensitive comments made to them. How do you cope and stop them reducing you to tears when alone?

I’m so confused,

Julie x

  • Thank you to everyone who has posted on this thread. From starting the day with negative thoughts, I feel so much support from you all that I can end today with positive ones.

    Hugs to everyone,

    Julie x

  • That saying that friends are the family we choose is absolutely right - at least in some of these cases!

    I think some people don’t think - my mother who had come to stay for a few days last week after my beloved husband died said “ooh I miss the dogs, I miss them more every day”. Me: “imagine how I feel then”. She loves her dogs but she was mortified when she realised what she’d said. 

    I guess if someone says something stupid and/or hurtful but is sorry and apologises, that’s one thing, it’s the people who think it’s your problem (for being touchy /too sensitive/ not moving on or whatever) and they should be able to say what they like that are just the pits.