Can't stop crying

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My darling husband passed away 35 days ago. We met when we were 50 and it was a third marriage for both of us. But when we met we knew that we should have been together from the start. Although Steve had C.O.P.D. when we met, we hoped for many years together. But then each year he had something different. Heart attack, abdominal aortic aneurysm repair, pleurectomy and bullectomy, lots of skin cancer removed and then in 2016 he was diagnosed with bowel cancer. Surgery wasn't an option because of Steve's lungs but God was good and he had no symptoms. He had radiotherapy in November but the cancer started to spread. First to the liver and then the brain in August. 

Steve passed away at 3:00am while we in our bed. Although I know that after 20 years, Steve is now pain free, I miss him all day and all night and all I do is cry.

On top of it all I move in 11 days! What can I do to stop crying?

  • hello Carolyn, how are you feeling today?

    I don’t  have any answers how to stop crying, i cry a lot but i’m taking one day at a time(i only cried once yesterday).  I find keeping busy helps and if you are moving then that might take your mind if for short periods?

    I have read that you should cry if you want to as it lets all of the emotions out.

    Take care 

  • Hello Carolyn, 

    I hope you’re feeling a bit better today. It’s been just over a year for me and I decided way back in those early days not to worry too much about how much I cried as I felt it was better than fighting not to. I sob less often now but I still cry, often triggered by the most unexpected things- today it was Christmas cards for husbands and the one I love in the garden centre! 
    Like Chelseabluegirl, I don’t have any answers- being occupied can help. And take each day an hour at a time, if that helps. You will get to a point where you can take things a day at a time. It is early days for you. Try hard to be kind to yourself, whatever that might look like.

    Take care, sending strength and hugs

