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  • 27 subscribers

hi, I have my first session next week, can you share what I can expect please?  it’s over phone as there is no face to face.

  • Hi

    O had counselling this year, it was threw the hospice than y hubby

    was in.

    All i can say, you have to click with the counsellor, we did  from the start, it makes it so much easier to open up.

    I even at times swore and apologised, she was cool with it, you are being you and saying it as it is  and that ispart of counselling, letting it all out.

    I had a box of tissues, which on first session was used a lot.

    I learnt so much and she helped me understand the grieve process, i told her i was lost, did not know who i was without him, we had been married 53years, so never knew a life on my own.

    Since i finished counselling things have improved so much, i have started to gain a bit of confidence because hubby and i where a team and everything was done together.

    I have no regrets that i asked for help. It did take me 18 months to admit to my self, i have to do something.

    The way it was done she would just say a few word

    sand that opened it up and i never stopped talking after that.

    I hope you gain from it like i did.

    Take Care Ellie x

  • Thank you Ellie, mine is also via Hospice that supported us when Rob was at home for the last 3 weeks of his life.

    Hopefully I will get something out of it and help me come to terms to what happened.

  • Hi,

    I have had counselling several times for various issues, divorce, work stress... It has always helped me, but as Ellie says you must click with the counsellor, if not don't be afraid to ask for someone else. I cannot comment on online sessions as I don't see them working for me. For 9 weeks now I've been seeing a psychologist once a week and I walk in, he says how's your week been, I try to answer then breakdown. He is very patient with me, listens offers comments on grieving, state of mind, etc.. but never pushes me.

    He's keeping me going, this morning I explained each day is getting tougher, and I'd had some dark thoughts. He explained of ever I got such thoughts I was to call him immediately. Just the words I needed to hear that someone did care about my welfare and health.

    Good luck with it.

    Paul x