
  • 5 replies
  • 28 subscribers
  1. Hi everyone, I hope Jon and glenis and everybody else have had a better day today, as for me I can't handle Monday's because it is the start of another pointless week, with nothing to aim for ,I dont look forward to eating anything doing anything seeing anyone, so I watch television and soon get fed up with that ,then I am consumed with thoughts of Lynne I try to remember holding her and kissing her and I cant ,then I get distraught and it's only been 6 weeks it really makes my life completely worthless, I know I have just got to hang in there and I will try i know everybody on here have these days and you do give me hope because you are still here fighting, thankyou all very much, just had to put ii in writing, god bless Terry 
  • Hi . I'm not from this group, I've just dropped by and read your post which touched me. By my replying it'll "bump" up to the top of the listings so hopefully someone you know here will be along to chat.

    I don't want to sound trite but things will get better but it will take time. I've supported my Brother-in-law since his wife passed away in January. We live over 200 miles away from him & he doesn't use the internet so we can't zoom call so it's been a hard journey for us all. He did join a local bereavement group organised by Macmillan which helped a little. Due to Covid and the fact he's 87 he's lost a lot of confidence going out but he's slowly coming to terms with his loss - when he explains his way of dealing with things I cry as I want to give him a hug. He says he chats to her every day, tells her how his day has gone and even puts on her favourite music. Then he said he felt guilty when he hummed along to some. 

    Might I suggest you call the Macmillan Support Helpline. It's free to call, number shown below and you might find some comfort there.

    Putting your feelings in writing can be cathartic for you so keep doing it.

    Sending you all be best, big hugs, B xx

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    Macmillan Support Line - 0808 808 00 00, 7 days a week between 8am-8pm

    "Never lose hope. Storms make people stronger and never last forever” - Roy T Bennett

  • I've just seen your post. At this point all you can do is take each day at a time or just an hour at a time. 

    Do you have any support? 

    Take care 

    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate
  • Hi thanks for kind words have just spoken to a lovely lady from a local cancer charity who has agreed to me having counselling sessions and she also suggested I contact my gp who may help with sleeping, eating problems, never had counselling before but I will try anything that may help change these oh so sad depressing miserable days where one day blends into the next , just hope it lifts me enough so I can have happy memories of the wonderful time I had with my incredible beautiful wife Lynne instead of the dark thoughts I keep having of her and her illness though I still can't see a future without her, will just keep going day by day and live in hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel thanks and best wishes to everyone who has had to join this group      terry 

  • Hi,I'm not in this group either normally just looking how everyone is,I'm on week 5 from losing my husband of 30 years, I'm feeling at my worst right now its the not wanting to eat that's worrying me I'm scared I'm going be ill but I'm just not hungry how do you feel.

  • Hi jane64 I really cant be bothered cooking for just me  but I make sure I go shopping every week and that I have something in the house if only snacks and fruit so at least I get some goodness ,i have been told to start cooking and it will do me for the next day or put some in the freezer, I will try it even as you say I never feel hungry,even if its just something small it keeps you going so you just have to persevere ,       best wishes terry