Too young

  • 13 replies
  • 30 subscribers

Hi my names Ivy and I'm 21 years old next week

I met him when I was 5, my sister's bestfriends little brother. My sister said that we were best friends ever since, inseparable, closer than close. We started dating at 14 although everyone thought it was just a silly teenage relationship that wouldn't last 5 minutes. My parents died when I was 13 and I was left to my older sister, he helped me through that more than anyone did.

We eloped the morning of my 18th birthday -- Sure we were just two dumb kids but we didn't care. Love doesn't have any requirements, you know?

We had the twins 2 and a half years ago, our little girl 11 months ago and I'm 4 months pregnant currently. 4 kids was never easy, we didn't plan on having 1. But we were happy. 

Nathaniel was amazing at being a dad, I don't know what I would have done without him, he can get the twins to sleep like that's what he was born to do. But I never thought I'd loose him, be a widower shy of 21.

I'm stuck, I feel like I'm suspended in this never ending void. Thing is Nathaniel didn't die of cancer, he committed suicide, he wanted to be brave, he didn't want to let anyone watch him suffer. I found him, it's all I can think about. I think it was to much of him, he didn't want treatment but didn't want me to know that he'd given up. 

I don't know what to do next. I have to be brave for my babies, I know that but I can't. I look at my children, all spits of their father, I don't know what to do. Sometimes I think It should have been me, if I died things would have gone so much smoother. He could have coped with my death and looked after our kids with ease 

  • Ivy, you're right it's too young.

    I'm so sorry for you and really hope you have support. 

    Look to the moon.
    Can't imagine any future without my soulmate
  • My heart goes out to you...

    Life as a mother is difficult at any age but being so young with such small children is extremely hard.  

    To cope with the added burden of first the news of your husband's cancer and then the trauma of finding your husband... I cannot begin to imagine your pain.

    But, please don't be hard on yourself, take time in your busy schedule to look after your needs. Your children just want their mummy, you don't have to be supermum. 

    You will experience such a mix of emotions from grief to anger, denial to acceptance...

    Take things one day at a time and remember to ask for and accept any help that is offered to you. 

    Sending you a virtual but heartfelt hug x


  • I am so very sorry for your loss and can read in your lines how devastated and lost you are. My heart goes out to you and I am sending you a big, virtual hug.

    Losing the love of your life at the age of 21 and with small kids... There are really no words... Just the hugs.

    I want to ask you though: Do you have a good support network of family and friends? I think it is so important that you take help and support now from wherever you can. Would you perhaps get in touch with McMillan as well or the Samaritans to see what supports there are out there for you, perhaps counselling even?

    Please keep posting here. We are all here and listening and supporting you.

    Lots of love


    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • Love and hugs.

    Alison xxx

  • Ivy,

    There are no words to describe the pain that you must be feeling, but what I can say is that there are so many lovely people on this site that will always be prepared to add a few kind words no matter how low you’re feeling. 

    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family at this very sad time.

    I do hope we all find peace one day, Ian x

  • Oh Ivy, you’re so young to be in this awful position. I am so sorry for you and your young family. I hope that you have somebody who can offer you the support and help you need at this time. Take care of yourself if you can, take things slowly at a pace that is right for you.

    Sending hugs



  • Mel,

    Thanks for your words it's just so nice to see that people are there just for a few kind words. It goes along way.

    And as for your question. I don't have much support, but the ones I have are all I need. 

    As I said before my sister was my legal guardian when my parents died. She's 28 now, she's just adopted a son and married her long time boyfriend. Despite the chaos of being new parents they've shared their home with me. For obvious reasons I don't feel comfortable alone in the house Nathaniel died. The twins share a travel cot and my 11 month old shares an air mattress with me. It's no ideal but it's alright for now.

    And for the samartians I'll be sure to check them out. Heard alot about them 

    Ivy x

  • It's good that you are at your sister's. Take your time and like Mym said, don't be hard on yourself.

    Your love story is amazing. I always try to find comfort in thinking that what we've experienced was unique and that some people don't ever find love at all. We can be grateful for what we've had. It doesn't make it easy, but it helps at times.

    Sending you lots of hugs. Xx

  • Hi Ivy,

    I was just thinking of you and was asking myself how you are doing now.

    Love Mel

    I don't like the term "moving on" because it sounds to me like we are leaving our loved ones and the life we had with them behind. I like the term "moving forward" as it implies that, while life goes on, our loved ones are still with us in our hearts and minds. 

  • I hope you are coping if that is the right word to use Ivy. 

    The coroner implied my husband took his life, he had alcohol and morphine in his system. The alcohol was not unusual as he was an alcoholic and he had been prescribed morphine. He died suddenly and even as a nurse it was hard to find him. I fought to clear his name and don't believe he did die on purpose. He may have miscalculated what his body could manage with chemo. 

    I have always taken a lot of strength from my children. Ric was my second husband, my first was my children's dad who died suddenly aged 49. We were young when we met and together 26 years. I sort of get some of what you have been through. Do message if you want to.

    Love and hugs Alison xxx