Empty house

  • 11 replies
  • 29 subscribers

I can’t process what has happened. I lost my wife in April, one of our beloved dogs last month and on Tuesday our other special dog. The house is empty, quiet and very lonely. I feel exhausted and lost. I’ve just gone back to work this week and it has helped but I don’t know if I can hold it together all the time. I had our driveway re surfaced these past few days. It looks fantastic but I am so sad. My wife used to lie in her hospital bed looking out the window and wish for the new drive… I wish she was here to see it. Just as I’m feeling some form of satisfaction or “happiness” the tears come uncontrollably. 

  • Well done on your fundraising! That's an amazing amount.

    And on your decision to get a puppy. I've never had a puppy, the youngest one we rescued was 9 months. I'm sure it will bring some purpose back into your life, as well as some structure/routine.

    I've just started looking after my granddaughter three days a week as my daughter has  returned to work from maternity leave. ( My reason for not getting another dog just now) I already feel so much better having her to care for, and a structure to my week. Also taking her out for a walk, I'm seeing the people I used to see out dog walking. Back out in the 'real world'! It does feel good. I know things won't ever be the same again for you, but I'm sure that the dog ( he or she?) will definitely help. And it sounds as though your wife would certainly have been pleased for you.